Exact Match:
- inform
- give character or essence to; "The principles that inform modern teaching"
- impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; "I informed him of his rights"
- act as an informer; "She had informed on her own parents for years"
- acquaint,
- advertise,
- advertise of,
- advise,
- animate,
- announce,
- apprise,
- babble,
- be indiscreet,
- be unguarded,
- betray,
- betray a confidence,
- blab,
- blabber,
- blurt,
- blurt out,
- break the news,
- brief,
- bring word,
- broaden the mind,
- catechize,
- civilize,
- communicate,
- demonstrate,
- direct,
- disclose,
- divulge,
- due,
- edify,
- educate,
- embue,
- endow,
- endue,
- enlighten,
- enliven,
- exalt,
- exhilarate,
- familiarize,
- fill in,
- finger,
- fire,
- forewarn,
- give a report,
- give away,
- give instruction,
- give lessons in,
- give notice,
- give the facts,
- give tidings of,
- give word,
- ground,
- guide,
- identify,
- illuminate,
- illumine,
- imbue,
- impart,
- implicate,
- incriminate,
- infect,
- inform on,
- infuse,
- inject,
- inoculate,
- inspire,
- inspirit,
- instruct,
- keep posted,
- leak,
- leave word,
- leaven,
- let drop,
- let fall,
- let know,
- let slip,
- mention to,
- nark,
- notify,
- open the eyes,
- peach,
- permeate,
- pimp,
- post,
- rat,
- reeducate,
- rehearse,
- relate,
- report,
- reveal,
- reveal a secret,
- rumor,
- school,
- send word,
- serve notice,
- set right,
- sharpen the wits,
- show,
- show how,
- sing,
- snitch,
- snitch on,
- speak,
- spill,
- spill the beans,
- spirit,
- spirit up,
- squeak,
- squeal,
- stool,
- talk,
- tattle,
- tattle on,
- teach,
- teach a lesson,
- teach the rudiments,
- tell,
- tell on,
- tell secrets,
- tell tales,
- tip off,
- turn in,
- verse,
- warn,
- write up