Exact Match:
- inheritance
- hereditary succession to a title or an office or property
- any attribute or immaterial possession that is inherited from ancestors; "my only inheritance was my mother's blessing"; "the world's heritage of knowledge"
- (genetics) attributes acquired via biological heredity from the parents
- that which is inherited; a title or property or estate that passes by law to the heir on the death of the owner
- Altmann theory,
- DNA,
- De Vries theory,
- Galtonian theory,
- Mendelianism,
- Mendelism,
- RNA,
- Verworn theory,
- Weismann theory,
- Weismannism,
- Wiesner theory,
- allele,
- allelomorph,
- attested copy,
- bequeathal,
- bequest,
- birth,
- birthright,
- borough-English,
- character,
- chromatid,
- chromatin,
- chromosome,
- codicil,
- coheirship,
- coparcenary,
- determinant,
- determiner,
- devise,
- diathesis,
- endowment,
- entail,
- eugenics,
- factor,
- gavelkind,
- gene,
- genesiology,
- genetic code,
- genetics,
- heirloom,
- heirship,
- hereditability,
- hereditament,
- heredity,
- heritability,
- heritable,
- heritage,
- heritance,
- inborn capacity,
- incorporeal hereditament,
- inheritability,
- law of succession,
- legacy,
- line of succession,
- matrocliny,
- mode of succession,
- patrimony,
- patrocliny,
- pharmacogenetics,
- postremogeniture,
- primogeniture,
- probate,
- property,
- recessive character,
- replication,
- reversion,
- succession,
- testament,
- ultimogeniture,
- will