Exact Match:
- intelligence quotient
- a measure of a person's intelligence as indicated by an intelligence test; the ratio of a person's mental age to their chronological age (multiplied by 100)
- Bernreuter personality inventory,
- Binet-Simon test,
- Brown personality inventory,
- Goldstein-Sheerer test,
- IQ,
- IQ test,
- Kent mental test,
- Minnesota preschool scale,
- Oseretsky test,
- Rorschach test,
- Stanford revision,
- Stanford-Binet test,
- Szondi test,
- TAT,
- Wechsler-Bellevue intelligence scale,
- achievement test,
- alpha test,
- apperception test,
- apprehension,
- aptitude test,
- association test,
- beta test,
- caliber,
- capacity,
- comprehension,
- conception,
- controlled association test,
- deductive power,
- esemplastic power,
- free association test,
- ideation,
- inkblot test,
- integrative power,
- intellect,
- intellectual grasp,
- intellectual power,
- intellectualism,
- intellectuality,
- intelligence,
- intelligence test,
- interest inventory,
- knowledge,
- mental age,
- mental capacity,
- mental grasp,
- mental ratio,
- mental test,
- mentality,
- mother wit,
- native wit,
- personality test,
- power of mind,
- psychological test,
- rationality,
- reasoning power,
- sanity,
- scope of mind,
- sense,
- standardized test,
- thematic apperception test,
- thinking power,
- understanding,
- wit,
- word association test