Exact Match:
- intersection
- the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)
- a junction where one street or road crosses another
- a point where lines intersect
- the set of elements common to two or more sets; "the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things"
- a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations
- access,
- accord,
- accordance,
- affinity,
- agreement,
- aisle,
- alley,
- ambulatory,
- aperture,
- arcade,
- artery,
- assent,
- avenue,
- carrefour,
- channel,
- chiasma,
- chorus,
- cloister,
- cloverleaf,
- coherence,
- coincidence,
- colonnade,
- communication,
- compatibility,
- concert,
- concord,
- concordance,
- conduit,
- conformance,
- conformation,
- conformity,
- congeniality,
- congruence,
- congruency,
- congruity,
- connection,
- consistency,
- consonance,
- consort,
- cooperation,
- correspondence,
- corridor,
- covered way,
- cross section,
- crossing,
- crosspoint,
- crossroad,
- crosswalk,
- crossway,
- cruciation,
- decussation,
- defile,
- equivalence,
- exit,
- ferry,
- flyover,
- ford,
- gallery,
- grade crossing,
- harmony,
- inlet,
- interchange,
- intercrossing,
- intersecting,
- junction,
- lane,
- level crossing,
- oneness,
- opening,
- outlet,
- overcrossing,
- overlap,
- overpass,
- parallelism,
- pass,
- passage,
- passageway,
- peace,
- portico,
- railroad tunnel,
- rapport,
- rotary,
- self-consistency,
- symmetry,
- sync,
- synchronism,
- tally,
- timing,
- traffic circle,
- traject,
- trajet,
- transection,
- transversion,
- traversal,
- tunnel,
- undercrossing,
- underpass,
- uniformity,
- union,
- unison,
- unisonance,
- viaduct