Exact Match:
- landslide
- a slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff
- an overwhelming electoral victory; "Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide"
- Cadmean victory,
- KO,
- Pyrrhic victory,
- abundance,
- affluence,
- ample sufficiency,
- ampleness,
- amplitude,
- ascendancy,
- avalanche,
- bonanza,
- bountifulness,
- bountiousness,
- bumper crop,
- championship,
- coast,
- conquest,
- copiousness,
- count,
- deluge,
- easy victory,
- election returns,
- embarras de richesses,
- enough,
- extravagance,
- extravagancy,
- exuberance,
- fertility,
- flood,
- flow,
- foison,
- full measure,
- fullness,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- glide,
- glissade,
- glissando,
- grand slam,
- great abundance,
- great plenty,
- gush,
- inundation,
- knockout,
- landslide victory,
- landslip,
- lavishness,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- lots,
- luxuriance,
- mastery,
- maximum,
- money to burn,
- moral victory,
- more than enough,
- much,
- myriad,
- myriads,
- numerousness,
- official count,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- outpouring,
- overabundance,
- overaccumulation,
- overbounteousness,
- overcopiousness,
- overdose,
- overflow,
- overlavishness,
- overluxuriance,
- overmeasure,
- overmuchness,
- overnumerousness,
- overplentifulness,
- overplenty,
- overpopulation,
- overprofusion,
- oversufficiency,
- oversupply,
- picnic,
- plenitude,
- plenteousness,
- plentifulness,
- plenty,
- plethora,
- poll,
- prevalence,
- prodigality,
- productiveness,
- profuseness,
- profusion,
- pushover,
- quantities,
- recount,
- redundancy,
- repleteness,
- repletion,
- returns,
- rich harvest,
- rich vein,
- richness,
- riot,
- riotousness,
- runaway victory,
- scads,
- shower,
- sideslip,
- skid,
- slide,
- slip,
- slippage,
- slither,
- snowslide,
- snowslip,
- spate,
- stream,
- subdual,
- subduing,
- subsidence,
- substantiality,
- substantialness,
- success,
- superabundance,
- superflux,
- teemingness,
- tidal wave,
- total victory,
- triumph,
- victory,
- walkaway,
- walkover,
- wealth,
- win,
- winning,
- winning streak