Exact Match:
- level
- indicator that establishes the horizontal when a bubble is centered in a tube of liquid
- height above ground; "the water reached ankle level"; "the pictures were at the same level"
- an abstract place usually conceived as having depth; "a good actor communicates on several levels"; "a simile has at least two layers of meaning"; "the mind functions on many strata simultaneously"
- oriented at right angles to the plumb; "the picture is level"
- being on a precise horizontal plane; "a billiard table must be level"
- not showing abrupt variations; "spoke in a level voice"; "she gave him a level look"- Louis Auchincloss
- become level or even; "The ground levelled off"
- talk frankly with; lay it on the line; "I have to level with you"
- aim at; "level criticism or charges at somebody"
- tear down so as to make flat with the ground; "The building was levelled"
- IC analysis,
- accommodate,
- accordant,
- address,
- adjust,
- aim,
- akin,
- alabaster,
- align,
- aligned,
- alike,
- alkali flat,
- alluvial plain,
- altitude,
- amount,
- appositive,
- arrowlike,
- assimilate to,
- at full length,
- at par,
- attribute,
- attributive,
- automatic,
- balance,
- balanced,
- band,
- basin,
- beat down,
- bed,
- bedding,
- belt,
- billiard table,
- blood,
- blow down,
- blow over,
- bottomland,
- bowl down,
- bowl over,
- bowling alley,
- bowling green,
- bracket,
- branch,
- break down,
- bring down,
- bulldog,
- bulldoze,
- burn down,
- bushveld,
- caliber,
- campo,
- cancel,
- cast,
- cast down,
- caste,
- category,
- champaign,
- champaign country,
- chop down,
- clan,
- class,
- clerestory,
- coastal plain,
- commensurate,
- compass,
- compensate,
- complement,
- consistent,
- consonant,
- constant,
- construction modifier,
- continuous,
- coordinate,
- correspondent,
- couche,
- counterbalance,
- counterpoise,
- countervail,
- course,
- cut,
- cut down,
- cutting,
- dab,
- damp,
- dash down,
- dead flat,
- dead level,
- dead straight,
- deck,
- deep structure,
- defensible,
- degree,
- delta,
- demolish,
- desert,
- deserved,
- destroy,
- devastate,
- direct,
- direct object,
- division,
- down,
- downs,
- downy,
- drag,
- drawn,
- dress,
- drop,
- dub,
- due,
- earth,
- elevation,
- entresol,
- equable,
- equal,
- equalize,
- equalized,
- equate,
- equilibrize,
- equitable,
- equivalent,
- esplanade,
- estate,
- even,
- even stephen,
- even up,
- evenhanded,
- evenly,
- extent,
- fair,
- fair and square,
- fell,
- fetch down,
- fifty-fifty,
- filler,
- first floor,
- fit,
- flat,
- flat country,
- flatland,
- flatly,
- flats,
- flatten,
- flattened,
- flatways,
- flatwise,
- floor,
- flush,
- focus,
- form-function unit,
- function,
- gallery,
- glabrate,
- glabrescent,
- glabrous,
- glass,
- good,
- grade,
- grass veld,
- grassland,
- grease,
- ground,
- ground floor,
- group,
- grouping,
- half-and-half,
- harmonize,
- harrow,
- head,
- heading,
- heath,
- height,
- hew down,
- homaloid,
- homaloidal,
- homogeneous,
- homogenize,
- honest,
- horizontal,
- horizontal axis,
- horizontal fault,
- horizontal line,
- horizontal parallax,
- horizontal plane,
- horizontal projection,
- horizontally,
- ice,
- identical,
- immediate constituent analysis,
- immutable,
- in a line,
- incline,
- indirect object,
- integrate,
- interval,
- invariable,
- ivory,
- just,
- justifiable,
- justified,
- kin,
- knock down,
- knock over,
- knotted,
- label,
- lande,
- lawful,
- lay,
- lay down,
- lay flat,
- lay level,
- lay low,
- lay out,
- lay waste,
- layer,
- leap,
- ledge,
- legal,
- leiotrichous,
- lengthways,
- lengthwise,
- level line,
- level off,
- level plane,
- level with,
- level-headed,
- levels,
- like,
- lineal,
- linear,
- llano,
- lowland,
- lowlands,
- lubricate,
- lunar mare,
- mahogany,
- make uniform,
- marble,
- mare,
- mark,
- mean sea level,
- measure,
- measured,
- measures,
- mechanical,
- meet,
- meet and right,
- merited,
- mesa,
- mesilla,
- methodic,
- mezzanine,
- mezzanine floor,
- modifier,
- monolithic,
- moor,
- moorland,
- mow,
- mow down,
- nip and tuck,
- normalize,
- notch,
- nuance,
- object,
- of a piece,
- oil,
- on a footing,
- on a level,
- on a par,
- on even ground,
- on the level,
- open,
- open country,
- order,
- ordered,
- orderly,
- overlayer,
- overstory,
- pampa,
- pampas,
- par,
- parallel,
- parterre,
- pas,
- peg,
- peneplain,
- period,
- persistent,
- phrase structure,
- pigeonhole,
- pitch,
- plain,
- plains,
- plane,
- planish,
- plaster,
- plateau,
- platform,
- playa,
- point,
- poise,
- position,
- prairie,
- precipitate,
- predicament,
- predicate,
- prone,
- proper,
- proportion,
- proportionate,
- prostrate,
- pull down,
- qualifier,
- quits,
- race,
- range,
- rank,
- ranks,
- rase,
- rating,
- ratio,
- raze,
- reach,
- rectilineal,
- rectilinear,
- regular,
- regularize,
- regulate,
- remove,
- rez-de-chaussee,
- right,
- right and proper,
- rightful,
- robotlike,
- roll,
- roll flat,
- rolled,
- round,
- rubric,
- ruler-straight,
- rung,
- salt flat,
- salt marsh,
- salt pan,
- same,
- satin,
- savanna,
- scale,
- scope,
- sea level,
- sea of grass,
- seam,
- sebkha,
- section,
- send headlong,
- sept,
- set,
- shade,
- shadow,
- shallow structure,
- shave,
- shelf,
- shoot straight,
- silk,
- similar,
- sincere,
- slide,
- slot,
- slot and filler,
- smash,
- smooth,
- smooth down,
- smooth out,
- smooth-shaven,
- smooth-textured,
- smoothed out,
- smoothen,
- smoothened,
- space,
- spread-eagle,
- square,
- squashed,
- squashed flat,
- stabilize,
- stable,
- stage,
- stair,
- stalemated,
- standard,
- standardize,
- standing,
- station,
- status,
- steadfast,
- steady,
- steamroll,
- steamroller,
- step,
- steppe,
- stereotype,
- stint,
- story,
- straight,
- straight-cut,
- straight-front,
- straight-shooting,
- straight-side,
- straightforward,
- strain,
- strata,
- stratum,
- streamlined,
- street floor,
- strike a balance,
- structure,
- suave,
- subdivision,
- subgroup,
- subject,
- suborder,
- substratum,
- superstratum,
- supinate,
- supine,
- surface structure,
- symmetrize,
- syntactic analysis,
- syntactic structure,
- syntactics,
- syntax,
- systematic,
- table,
- tableland,
- tabloid,
- tabular,
- tagmeme,
- take down,
- tear down,
- tennis court,
- terrace,
- thickness,
- throw,
- throw down,
- tied,
- tier,
- title,
- topple,
- topsoil,
- train,
- tread,
- tree veld,
- trip,
- trodden,
- trodden flat,
- true,
- tumble,
- tundra,
- turn,
- unalterable,
- unbending,
- unbent,
- unbowed,
- unbroken,
- unchangeable,
- unchanged,
- unchanging,
- uncurved,
- undeflected,
- underlayer,
- underlying structure,
- understory,
- understratum,
- undeviating,
- undifferentiated,
- undistorted,
- undiversified,
- uniform,
- uniformize,
- uninterrupted,
- unrough,
- unroughened,
- unruffled,
- unswerving,
- unturned,
- unvaried,
- unvarying,
- up on,
- upland,
- upright,
- vega,
- veld,
- velvet,
- vertical,
- very,
- warrantable,
- warranted,
- water level,
- weald,
- whack down,
- wide-open spaces,
- with,
- wold,
- word arrangement,
- word order,
- wreck,
- zero,
- zone