Exact Match:
- liking
- a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment; "I've always had a liking for reading"; "she developed a liking for gin"
- Amor,
- Christian love,
- Eros,
- Platonic love,
- a thing for,
- admiration,
- adoration,
- affection,
- affinity,
- agape,
- animus,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appreciation,
- aptitude,
- aptness,
- ardency,
- ardor,
- attachment,
- bent,
- bias,
- bodily love,
- brotherly love,
- caritas,
- cast,
- charity,
- choice,
- command,
- conation,
- conatus,
- conduciveness,
- conjugal love,
- crush,
- decision,
- delight,
- desire,
- determination,
- devotion,
- diathesis,
- discretion,
- disposition,
- eagerness,
- eye,
- faithful love,
- fancy,
- feeling for,
- fervor,
- flame,
- fondness,
- free choice,
- free love,
- free will,
- free-lovism,
- gust,
- gusto,
- heart,
- hero worship,
- idolatry,
- idolism,
- idolization,
- inclination,
- infatuation,
- intention,
- lasciviousness,
- leaning,
- liability,
- libido,
- like,
- likes,
- love,
- lovemaking,
- lust,
- married love,
- mind,
- objective,
- partiality,
- passion,
- penchant,
- physical love,
- pleasure,
- popular regard,
- popularity,
- predilection,
- predisposition,
- preference,
- prejudice,
- probability,
- proclivity,
- proneness,
- propensity,
- readiness,
- regard,
- relish,
- resolution,
- sensitivity to,
- sentiment,
- sex,
- sexual desire,
- sexual love,
- shine,
- soft,
- soft spot,
- spiritual love,
- susceptibility,
- taste,
- tendency,
- tender feeling,
- tender passion,
- tropism,
- truelove,
- turn,
- twist,
- uxoriousness,
- velleity,
- volition,
- warp,
- weakness,
- will,
- will power,
- willingness,
- wish,
- worship,
- yearning