the outward appearance of a person; "he put up a bold front"
the side that is forward or prominent
the part of something that is nearest to the normal viewer; "he walked to the front of the stage"
(meteorology) the atmospheric phenomenon created at the boundary between two different air masses
a sphere of activity involving effort; "the Japanese were active last week on the diplomatic front"; "they advertise on many different fronts"
confront bodily; "breast the storm"
be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point; be opposite to; "The house looks north"; "My backyard look onto the pond"; "The building faces the park"
backache affecting the lumbar region or lower back; can be caused by muscle strain or arthritis or vascular insufficiency or a ruptured intervertebral disc
any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)
any epidemic disease with a high death rate
a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal