Exact Match:
- man
- game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games; "he taught me to set up the men on the chess board"; "he sacrificed a piece to get a strategic advantage"
- one of the British Isles in the Irish Sea
- an adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman); "there were two women and six men on the bus"
- a male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman; "she takes good care of her man"
- an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent); "the army will make a man of you"
- the generic use of the word to refer to any human being; "it was every man for himself"
- a male subordinate; "the chief stationed two men outside the building"; "he awaited word from his man in Havana"
- provide with men; "We cannot man all the desks"
- take charge of a certain job; occupy a certain work place; "Mr. Smith manned the reception desk in the morning"
- Achilles,
- Adam,
- Adamite,
- Australanthropus,
- Australopithecus,
- Barbary ape,
- Casanova,
- Chiroptera,
- Cro-Magnon man,
- David,
- Don Juan,
- Galley Hill man,
- Gigantopithecus,
- Grimaldi man,
- Hector,
- Heidelberg man,
- Hominidae,
- Homo sapiens,
- John Law,
- Lagomorpha,
- Lothario,
- Neanderthal man,
- Oreopithecus,
- Paranthropus,
- Peking man,
- Pithecanthropus,
- Plesianthropus,
- Primates,
- Rhodesian man,
- Rodentia,
- Roland,
- Romeo,
- Samson,
- Sinanthropus,
- Stone Age man,
- Swanscombe man,
- Zinjanthropus,
- a man,
- accouter,
- adherent,
- adult,
- amoroso,
- angwantibo,
- anthropoid ape,
- ape,
- appendage,
- appoint,
- arm,
- armor,
- armor-plate,
- aye-aye,
- baboon,
- bank,
- barricade,
- battle,
- beau,
- being,
- benedict,
- bishop,
- blockade,
- bloke,
- bluecoat,
- body,
- boy,
- boyfriend,
- brave,
- buck,
- bull,
- bulldog,
- bulwark,
- butler,
- caballero,
- capuchin,
- castellate,
- castle,
- cat,
- cavalier,
- cavaliere servente,
- caveman,
- chacma,
- chap,
- character,
- chauffeur,
- chessman,
- chimpanzee,
- chutzpanik,
- clay,
- coachman,
- cop,
- cover,
- creature,
- crenellate,
- crew,
- cuss,
- customer,
- dangler,
- decorated hero,
- demigod,
- demigoddess,
- dependent,
- dig in,
- disciple,
- dress,
- drill,
- driver,
- duck,
- dummy,
- earthling,
- embattle,
- entellus,
- entrench,
- eolithic man,
- equerry,
- equip,
- esquire,
- fallen humanity,
- fancy man,
- fellow,
- fence,
- fighting cock,
- figurehead,
- fit,
- fit out,
- fit up,
- flame,
- flatfoot,
- flesh,
- flunky,
- follower,
- fortify,
- furnish,
- fuzz,
- gallant,
- galoot,
- gamecock,
- gardener,
- garrison,
- gear,
- gee,
- geezer,
- generation of man,
- gent,
- gentleman,
- genus Homo,
- gibbon,
- gigolo,
- gillie,
- good soldier,
- goodman,
- goody,
- goon,
- gorilla,
- groundling,
- grown man,
- grownup,
- guenon,
- guereza,
- guy,
- hand,
- hanger-on,
- hanuman,
- he,
- head,
- heat,
- heel,
- heeler,
- henchman,
- hero,
- heroine,
- him,
- his,
- hombre,
- hominid,
- homme,
- homo,
- houseboy,
- houseman,
- hubby,
- human,
- human being,
- human family,
- human nature,
- human race,
- human species,
- humanity,
- humankind,
- husband,
- inamorato,
- individual,
- jackal,
- joker,
- king,
- knight,
- lackey,
- lady-killer,
- langur,
- le genre humain,
- legalis homo,
- lemur,
- life,
- lion,
- living soul,
- lord,
- lord-in-waiting,
- love-maker,
- macaque,
- major,
- male,
- male being,
- male person,
- male sex,
- man of courage,
- man the garrison,
- mandrill,
- manhood,
- mankind,
- manservant,
- marmoset,
- married man,
- masculine,
- master,
- mature man,
- men,
- menfolk,
- menfolks,
- mine,
- minion,
- mister,
- mortal,
- mortal flesh,
- mortality,
- mortals,
- mountain gorilla,
- munition,
- myrmidon,
- necker,
- neolithic man,
- no chicken,
- nose,
- officer,
- old man,
- one,
- orang,
- orangutan,
- outfit,
- paladin,
- palisade,
- paramour,
- party,
- pawn,
- people,
- person,
- personage,
- personality,
- petter,
- philanderer,
- piece,
- pig,
- prepare,
- proboscis monkey,
- puppet,
- queen,
- race of man,
- retainer,
- rhesus,
- rig,
- rig out,
- rig up,
- rook,
- saki,
- satellite,
- seducer,
- servant,
- shadow,
- sheik,
- single,
- skate,
- snap,
- somebody,
- someone,
- soul,
- squire,
- staff,
- stalwart,
- stooge,
- sugar daddy,
- swain,
- sword side,
- sycophant,
- tagtail,
- tellurian,
- terran,
- the brave,
- thug,
- tiger,
- turn out,
- valet,
- valet de chambre,
- valiant,
- valiant knight,
- votary,
- wall,
- ward heeler,
- woman,
- worldling,
- young man