designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture"
involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness"
designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture"
fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order"
relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis"
the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team; "quarterback is the most important position on the team"
used of a height or viewpoint; "a commanding view of the ocean"; "looked up at the castle dominating the countryside"; "the balcony overlooking the ballroom"
not consisting of matter; "immaterial apparitions"; "ghosts and other immaterial entities"
(often followed by `to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other; "whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial (or indifferent)"; "what others think is altogether indifferent to him"
of no importance or relevance especially to a law case; "an objection that is immaterial after the fact"
showing the way by conducting or leading; imposing direction on; "felt his mother's directing arm around him"; "the directional role of science on industrial progress"