- amiss,
- askew,
- awry,
- bad,
- broken,
- cockeyed,
- convulsed,
- deranged,
- disarranged,
- discomfited,
- discomposed,
- disconcerted,
- dislocated,
- disordered,
- disorderly,
- disorganized,
- disruptive,
- disturbed,
- functionless,
- haywire,
- improper,
- in condition,
- in disorder,
- in disrepair,
- in order,
- in repair,
- inapplicable,
- inoperable,
- inoperative,
- misbehaving,
- misplaced,
- naughty,
- nonfunctional,
- nonutilitarian,
- not respectable,
- off-base,
- on the blink,
- on the fritz,
- otiose,
- out of commission,
- out of condition,
- out of gear,
- out of joint,
- out of keeping,
- out of kelter,
- out of kilter,
- out of line,
- out of place,
- out of repair,
- out of step,
- out of tune,
- out of turn,
- out of whack,
- out-of-line,
- perturbed,
- roily,
- rowdy,
- rowdyish,
- ruffianly,
- shuffled,
- turbid,
- turbulent,
- unbehaving,
- unconducive,
- unemployable,
- unfit,
- unhelpful,
- unsettled,
- unsuitable,
- unusable,
- unworkable,
- upset