Exact Match:
- overture
- orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio
- a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others; "she rejected his advances"
- Vorspiel,
- advance,
- approach,
- asking price,
- avant-propos,
- bid,
- breakthrough,
- concert overture,
- curtain raiser,
- descant,
- dramatic overture,
- exordium,
- feeler,
- foreword,
- front matter,
- frontispiece,
- innovation,
- introduction,
- invitation,
- leap,
- offer,
- offering,
- operatic overture,
- overtures,
- postulate,
- preamble,
- preface,
- prefix,
- prefixture,
- preliminary,
- preliminary approach,
- prelude,
- premise,
- presentation,
- presupposition,
- proem,
- proffer,
- prolegomena,
- prolegomenon,
- prolepsis,
- prologue,
- proposal,
- proposition,
- protasis,
- submission,
- tender,
- tentative approach,
- vamp,
- verse,
- voluntary