Exact Match:
- party
- an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; "he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day"
- a group of people gathered together for pleasure; "she joined the party after dinner"
- an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"
- a band of people associated temporarily in some activity; "they organized a party to search for food"; "the company of cooks walked into the kitchen"
- a person involved in legal proceedings; "the party of the first part"
- have or participate in a party; "The students were partying all night before the exam"
- Adamite,
- American Party,
- Anti-Monopoly Party,
- Bull Moose Party,
- Communist Party,
- Conservative Party,
- Constitutional Union Party,
- Democratic Party,
- Democratic-Republican Party,
- Farmer-Labor Party,
- Federalist Party,
- Free Soil Party,
- Greenback Party,
- Kaffeeklatsch,
- Know-Nothing Party,
- Labour Party,
- Liberal Party,
- Liberal Republican Party,
- Liberty Party,
- Mardi Gras,
- National Republican Party,
- Populist Party,
- Progressive Party,
- Prohibition Party,
- Republican Party,
- Saturnalia,
- Socialist Labor Party,
- Socialist Party,
- Socialist Workers Party,
- Tammany Hall,
- Tory Party,
- Whig Party,
- a party to,
- accessory,
- accomplice,
- accusant,
- accuser,
- actor,
- adherents,
- advocate,
- affiliation,
- age group,
- aid,
- allegator,
- alliance,
- ally,
- appellant,
- approver,
- assemblee,
- assembly,
- assignation,
- associate,
- at home,
- bacchanal,
- bacchanalia,
- backer,
- ball,
- band,
- banquet,
- bash,
- battalion,
- beano,
- being,
- bevy,
- bipartisan,
- biparty,
- bloc,
- blowout,
- body,
- branch,
- brawl,
- breakaway group,
- brigade,
- bunch,
- bust,
- cabal,
- cadre,
- caller,
- calling party,
- camp,
- carnival,
- carousal,
- carouse,
- cast,
- cat,
- caucus,
- celebration,
- certifier,
- champion,
- chap,
- character,
- church,
- city hall,
- claimant,
- clique,
- club,
- cluster,
- coalition,
- cocktail party,
- coffee klatch,
- cohort,
- colloquium,
- combine,
- commission,
- committee,
- communion,
- community,
- company,
- complainant,
- complement,
- conclave,
- concourse,
- confederacy,
- confederate,
- confederation,
- confirmer,
- congregation,
- congress,
- contingent,
- contributor,
- conventicle,
- convention,
- convocation,
- copartner,
- corps,
- cosignatory,
- cosigner,
- costume party,
- cotenant,
- coterie,
- council,
- covey,
- creature,
- crew,
- crowd,
- customer,
- dance,
- date,
- debauch,
- defendant,
- defender,
- delator,
- denomination,
- denominational,
- detachment,
- detail,
- diet,
- dinner,
- dinner party,
- division,
- do,
- donation party,
- duck,
- earthling,
- eisteddfod,
- endorser,
- entertainment,
- ethnic group,
- exponent,
- faction,
- factional,
- fair,
- feast,
- federation,
- fellow,
- fellowship,
- festival,
- festive occasion,
- festivity,
- fete,
- field day,
- fiesta,
- fleet,
- forgathering,
- forum,
- frolic,
- function,
- gala,
- gala affair,
- gala day,
- gang,
- garden party,
- gathering,
- get-together,
- great doings,
- groundling,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- guarantor,
- guy,
- hand,
- head,
- helper,
- hen party,
- high jinks,
- homo,
- hop,
- house party,
- house-raising,
- housewarming,
- human,
- human being,
- impeacher,
- impugner,
- in-group,
- indictor,
- individual,
- informer,
- insurer,
- interest,
- interest group,
- interested,
- jamboree,
- joker,
- junta,
- junto,
- kermis,
- lawn party,
- league,
- levee,
- libelant,
- life,
- litigant,
- litigationist,
- litigator,
- living soul,
- machine,
- major party,
- man,
- mask,
- masque,
- masquerade,
- masquerade party,
- meet,
- meeting,
- minor party,
- minority group,
- mob,
- mortal,
- movement,
- multiple party system,
- nose,
- notary,
- notary public,
- offshoot,
- one,
- one-party system,
- opposition party,
- order,
- organization,
- orgy,
- out-group,
- outfit,
- pack,
- panel,
- partaker,
- partial,
- participant,
- participator,
- parties litigant,
- partisan,
- partner,
- party in power,
- peer group,
- person,
- personage,
- personality,
- persuasion,
- petitioner,
- phalanx,
- phoner,
- picnic,
- plaintiff,
- platoon,
- plenum,
- political machine,
- political party,
- posse,
- pressure group,
- prom,
- promoter,
- proponent,
- prosecutor,
- quorum,
- rally,
- ratifier,
- rave,
- reception,
- regiment,
- religious order,
- rendezvous,
- ring,
- romp,
- salon,
- saturnalia,
- schism,
- school,
- seance,
- seconder,
- sect,
- sectarian,
- sectarism,
- sectary,
- sectional,
- segment,
- session,
- set,
- shareholder,
- sharer,
- shindig,
- shindy,
- shower,
- side,
- signatory,
- signer,
- silent majority,
- single,
- sit-in,
- sitting,
- smoker,
- social gathering,
- society,
- soiree,
- somebody,
- someone,
- soul,
- splinter,
- splinter group,
- splinter party,
- spree,
- squad,
- stable,
- stag,
- stag party,
- string,
- subscriber,
- suitor,
- supporter,
- surprise party,
- symposium,
- synod,
- team,
- telephoner,
- tellurian,
- terran,
- the prosecution,
- third party,
- tribe,
- troop,
- troupe,
- turnout,
- two-party system,
- underwriter,
- union,
- unit,
- upholder,
- variety,
- version,
- vocal minority,
- waygoose,
- wayzgoose,
- wing,
- wingding,
- witness,
- worldling