Exact Match:
- patch
- a piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
- a short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
- mend by putting a patch on; "patch a hole"
- to join or unite the pieces of; "patch the skirt"
- provide with a patch; also used metaphorically; "The field was patched with snow"
- Hershey bar,
- X ray,
- actinic ray,
- actinism,
- area,
- atomic beam,
- atomic ray,
- aviation badge,
- badge,
- bailiwick,
- bar,
- bat out,
- beam,
- beam of light,
- birthmark,
- blaze,
- blemish,
- block,
- bloodstain,
- blot,
- blotch,
- blur,
- botch,
- brand,
- bring to terms,
- bungle,
- bury the hatchet,
- caste mark,
- check,
- checkmark,
- chevron,
- chicken,
- chip,
- cicatrix,
- clearing,
- clos,
- close,
- cobble,
- come to terms,
- commission,
- condition,
- corn field,
- cover,
- croft,
- crumb,
- cultivated land,
- cut,
- dab,
- dapple,
- dappledness,
- dappleness,
- darn,
- dash off,
- daub,
- discoloration,
- do anyhow,
- do by halves,
- do carelessly,
- do offhand,
- do up,
- doctor,
- dot,
- dottedness,
- eagle,
- earmark,
- enclave,
- engraving,
- epaulet,
- episode,
- experience,
- eyesore,
- fake up,
- field,
- fix,
- fix up,
- fleck,
- flick,
- flyspeck,
- forty,
- freckle,
- freckliness,
- fudge up,
- gamma ray,
- gash,
- gleam,
- graving,
- ground,
- hack,
- hash mark,
- hayfield,
- heal,
- improvise,
- infrared ray,
- insignia of branch,
- interval,
- invisible radiation,
- jot,
- jury-rig,
- knock off,
- knock out,
- knock together,
- knock up,
- kraal,
- lash up,
- leam,
- lentigo,
- lot,
- macula,
- maculation,
- macule,
- mark,
- marking,
- mend,
- mole,
- morceau,
- morsel,
- mottle,
- mottledness,
- nevus,
- nick,
- nip,
- notch,
- oak leaf,
- organization insignia,
- overhaul,
- overseas bar,
- pad,
- paddy,
- pale,
- parachute badge,
- parcel,
- parcel of land,
- patch together,
- patch up,
- pencil,
- period,
- photon,
- piece,
- piece of land,
- pip,
- plat,
- plot,
- plot of ground,
- point,
- pointillage,
- pointillism,
- polka dot,
- pound out,
- prick,
- puncture,
- put in commission,
- put in order,
- put in repair,
- put in shape,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- radiation,
- radiorays,
- ray,
- ray of light,
- ready,
- real estate,
- rebuild,
- recap,
- reconcile,
- recondition,
- reconstruct,
- reinforce,
- reinforcement,
- repair,
- resolve,
- responsibility,
- retread,
- revamp,
- ribbon,
- ribbon of light,
- rice paddy,
- rough out,
- roughcast,
- roughhew,
- scar,
- scarification,
- score,
- scotch,
- scrap,
- scratch,
- scratching,
- section,
- segment,
- service,
- service stripe,
- set right,
- set straight,
- set to rights,
- settle,
- sew up,
- shiver,
- shoulder patch,
- shoulder sleeve insignia,
- shred,
- slap up,
- sliver,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smithereen,
- smouch,
- smudge,
- smut,
- smutch,
- snick,
- snip,
- snippet,
- solar rays,
- spatter,
- speck,
- speckle,
- speckliness,
- spell,
- splash,
- splatter,
- splinter,
- splotch,
- spot,
- spottedness,
- spottiness,
- spread eagle,
- square,
- stage,
- stain,
- star,
- stigma,
- stipple,
- stippledness,
- stippling,
- stitch,
- straighten out,
- strawberry mark,
- streak,
- stream,
- stream of light,
- streamer,
- stripe,
- submarine badge,
- tag,
- taint,
- tarnish,
- tatter,
- tattoo,
- tattoo mark,
- territory,
- throw off,
- throw together,
- tick,
- time,
- tinker,
- tinker up,
- tittle,
- toss off,
- toss out,
- toss together,
- tract,
- trifle with,
- ultraviolet ray,
- vamp,
- violet ray,
- watermark,
- wheat field,
- whomp up