Exact Match:
- pattern
- a model considered worthy of imitation; "the American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics"
- form a pattern; "These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before"
- Geistesgeschichte,
- Hegelian idea,
- Kantian idea,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- action,
- actions,
- activity,
- acts,
- address,
- aesthetic form,
- affectation,
- air,
- anatomy,
- antetype,
- antitype,
- archetype,
- architectonics,
- architecture,
- arrangement,
- art form,
- automatism,
- background,
- background detail,
- bad habit,
- barometer,
- bearing,
- beau ideal,
- behavior,
- behavior pattern,
- behavioral norm,
- behavioral science,
- biotype,
- blueprint,
- brouillon,
- build,
- building,
- canon,
- canon form,
- carriage,
- cartoon,
- cast,
- characteristic,
- chart,
- check,
- classic example,
- complex idea,
- comportment,
- composition,
- conduct,
- configuration,
- conformation,
- consistency,
- constellation,
- constitution,
- construction,
- copy,
- creation,
- creature of habit,
- criterion,
- culture pattern,
- custom,
- cut,
- cycle,
- decorate,
- decoration,
- decorative composition,
- decorative style,
- degree,
- delineation,
- demeanor,
- deportment,
- design,
- detail,
- device,
- diagram,
- doing,
- doings,
- draft,
- drawing,
- duplicate,
- ebauche,
- elevation,
- emulate,
- epitome,
- esquisse,
- eternal object,
- eternal universal,
- example,
- exemplar,
- fabric,
- fabrication,
- fashion,
- fashioning,
- figuration,
- figure,
- figure-ground,
- foil,
- folkway,
- follow,
- force of habit,
- foreground detail,
- forging,
- form,
- formal cause,
- format,
- formation,
- frame,
- fugleman,
- fugler,
- fugue form,
- gauge,
- genotype,
- genre,
- gestalt,
- gestures,
- getup,
- goings-on,
- good example,
- graduated scale,
- graph,
- ground plan,
- guide,
- guise,
- habit,
- habit pattern,
- habitude,
- highest category,
- history of ideas,
- house plan,
- ichnography,
- ideal,
- idealism,
- ideate,
- ideatum,
- idee-force,
- imitate,
- imitatee,
- impression,
- innate idea,
- inner form,
- innovation,
- instance,
- layout,
- lead,
- lied form,
- maintien,
- make,
- makeup,
- making,
- man of men,
- manner,
- manners,
- manufacture,
- matrix,
- measure,
- method,
- methodology,
- methods,
- mien,
- mimic,
- mirror,
- modality,
- mode,
- model,
- modus vivendi,
- mold,
- molding,
- motif,
- motions,
- motive,
- mould,
- movements,
- moves,
- national style,
- new departure,
- nonpareil,
- noosphere,
- norm,
- noumenon,
- observable behavior,
- order,
- orderliness,
- organic structure,
- organism,
- organization,
- original,
- ornament,
- ornamental motif,
- outline,
- paradigm,
- paragon,
- parameter,
- patterning,
- peculiarity,
- percept,
- period style,
- physique,
- pilot model,
- plan,
- plot,
- poise,
- port,
- pose,
- posture,
- practice,
- praxis,
- precedent,
- presence,
- primary form,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- production,
- profile,
- projection,
- prototype,
- quantity,
- reading,
- readout,
- regularity,
- regulative first principle,
- repeated figure,
- repetition,
- representation,
- representative,
- rondo form,
- rough,
- rule,
- sample,
- scale,
- second nature,
- sequence,
- set,
- setting,
- setup,
- shape,
- shaping,
- shining example,
- significant form,
- simple idea,
- simulate,
- skeleton,
- sketch,
- social science,
- sonata allegro,
- sonata form,
- specimen,
- stamp,
- standard,
- stencil,
- stereotype,
- stereotyped behavior,
- structure,
- structuring,
- style,
- subsistent form,
- symphonic form,
- system,
- table,
- tactics,
- tectonics,
- template,
- test,
- texture,
- the Absolute,
- the Absolute Idea,
- the Self-determined,
- the realized ideal,
- theme,
- tissue,
- toccata form,
- tone,
- touch,
- touchstone,
- transcendent idea,
- transcendent nonempirical concept,
- transcendent universal,
- trick,
- turn,
- type,
- type species,
- type specimen,
- universal,
- universal concept,
- universal essence,
- urtext,
- usage,
- use,
- value,
- warp and woof,
- way,
- way of life,
- ways,
- weave,
- web,
- wont,
- working drawing,
- yardstick