Exact Match:
- pepper
- sweet and hot varieties of fruits of plants of the genus Capsicum
- pungent seasoning from the berry of the common pepper plant of East India; use whole or ground
- climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in northern Burma and Assam
- attack and bombard with or as if with missiles; "pelt the speaker with questions"
- add pepper to; "pepper the soup"
- Tabasco,
- Worcestershire sauce,
- aggressiveness,
- aim at,
- allspice,
- anchovies,
- angelica,
- applesauce,
- band,
- bang,
- bar,
- barrage,
- basil,
- bell pepper,
- bespangle,
- bespeckle,
- bespot,
- besprinkle,
- black pepper,
- blast,
- blaze,
- blaze a trail,
- blemish,
- blitz,
- blotch,
- bombard,
- borage,
- brand,
- bread,
- burnet,
- cannon,
- cannonade,
- caper,
- capsicum,
- caraway seeds,
- cardamom,
- catsup,
- celery salt,
- chalk,
- chalk up,
- charge,
- check,
- check off,
- checker,
- chervil,
- chili,
- chili sauce,
- chili vinegar,
- chives,
- chutney,
- cicatrize,
- cinnamon,
- cloves,
- cock,
- commence firing,
- condiments,
- coriander,
- cranberry sauce,
- crumb,
- cubeb,
- cumin,
- curry,
- dahl sauce,
- dapple,
- dash,
- define,
- delimit,
- demarcate,
- detonate,
- dill,
- dillseed,
- discharge,
- discolor,
- dot,
- dredge,
- drive,
- drop,
- duck sauce,
- dust,
- eject,
- enfilade,
- engrave,
- enterprise,
- fagara,
- fell,
- fennel,
- file,
- fire,
- fire a volley,
- fire at,
- fire off,
- fire upon,
- five spice powder,
- flake,
- flavor,
- fleck,
- flour,
- freckle,
- fusillade,
- garlic,
- garlic butter,
- garlic powder,
- garlic salt,
- gash,
- get-up-and-go,
- ginger,
- green pepper,
- gun,
- gun for,
- harlequin,
- hatch,
- hedge garlic,
- hit,
- horseradish,
- hyssop,
- impress,
- imprint,
- initiative,
- iris,
- kick,
- leek,
- let fly,
- let off,
- line,
- load,
- mace,
- maculate,
- make a mark,
- marble,
- marbleize,
- marinade,
- marjoram,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out,
- mayonnaise,
- mint,
- mortar,
- motley,
- mottle,
- mustard,
- nick,
- notch,
- nutmeg,
- onion,
- onion salt,
- open fire,
- open up on,
- oregano,
- paprika,
- parsley,
- pelt,
- pencil,
- pep,
- peppercorn,
- peppermint,
- piccalilli,
- pick off,
- pickle,
- pimento,
- pimpernel,
- piss and vinegar,
- pistol,
- pizzazz,
- plug,
- point,
- polychrome,
- polychromize,
- poop,
- pop at,
- pot,
- potherb,
- potshoot,
- potshot,
- powder,
- prick,
- prime,
- print,
- punch,
- punctuate,
- puncture,
- push,
- radish,
- rainbow,
- rake,
- red pepper,
- relish,
- riddle,
- saffron,
- sage,
- salad dressing,
- salt,
- sauce,
- sauce-alone,
- savor,
- savory,
- scar,
- scarify,
- scatter,
- score,
- scotch,
- scratch,
- seal,
- seam,
- season,
- seasoned salt,
- sesame oil,
- sesame seeds,
- shallot,
- shell,
- shoot,
- shoot at,
- shoot down,
- snap,
- snipe,
- snipe at,
- soy,
- soy sauce,
- spangle,
- spatter,
- speck,
- speckle,
- spice,
- splatter,
- splotch,
- spot,
- spray,
- sprinkle,
- spunk,
- stain,
- stamp,
- star anise,
- starch,
- stigmatize,
- stipple,
- strafe,
- streak,
- striate,
- strike,
- stripe,
- stud,
- take a potshot,
- take aim at,
- tarragon,
- tartar sauce,
- tattoo,
- tessellate,
- thrust,
- thyme,
- tick,
- tick off,
- tomato paste,
- torpedo,
- trace,
- turmeric,
- underline,
- underscore,
- vanilla,
- variegate,
- vein,
- verve,
- vim,
- vinegar,
- white pepper,
- zero in on,
- zing,
- zip