Exact Match:
- principal
- the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account
- the educator who has executive authority for a school; "she sent unruly pupils to see the principal"
- capital as contrasted with the income derived from it
- the original amount of a debt on which interest is calculated
- A per se,
- English horn,
- academic dean,
- ace,
- administration,
- administrator,
- all-absorbing,
- arch,
- assets,
- backing,
- banner,
- bassoon,
- block flute,
- bombard,
- boss,
- bourdon,
- capital,
- capital gains distribution,
- capital structure,
- capitalization,
- cardinal,
- cash reserves,
- cello,
- central,
- chairman,
- champion,
- chancellor,
- chief,
- chief executive officer,
- circulating capital,
- claribel,
- clarinet,
- clarion,
- commander,
- concert flute,
- controlling,
- cornet,
- cornopean,
- corpus,
- cromorna,
- crowning,
- cymbel,
- danseur noble,
- dean,
- dean of men,
- dean of women,
- diapason,
- director,
- diva,
- dominant,
- doyen,
- doyenne,
- dulciana,
- electronics king,
- equity capital,
- feature attraction,
- first,
- first tragedian,
- fixed capital,
- floating capital,
- flute stop,
- focal,
- foremost,
- foundation stop,
- fourniture,
- front,
- fugleman,
- fund,
- gamba,
- gedeckt,
- gemshorn,
- genius,
- great,
- harmonic flute,
- head,
- headliner,
- headmaster,
- headmistress,
- headmost,
- heavy lead,
- hegemonic,
- hero,
- heroine,
- high priest,
- higher-up,
- highest,
- honcho,
- hybrid stop,
- important,
- important person,
- investment,
- jeune premier,
- key,
- king,
- kingfish,
- kingpin,
- koppel flute,
- larigot,
- laureate,
- lead,
- leader,
- leading,
- leading lady,
- leading light,
- leading man,
- luminary,
- magisterial,
- maiden,
- main,
- major,
- managing director,
- master,
- master spirit,
- melodia,
- mixture,
- money,
- moneyed capital,
- mutation stop,
- nazard,
- nonpareil,
- oboe,
- octave,
- organ stop,
- outstanding,
- overriding,
- overruling,
- owner,
- paragon,
- paramount,
- personage,
- piccolo,
- plein jeu,
- posaune,
- predominant,
- preeminent,
- premier,
- preponderant,
- president,
- prevailing,
- prima ballerina,
- prima donna,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- prodigy,
- prominent,
- proprietor,
- protagonist,
- provost,
- quint,
- quintaten,
- rank,
- ranket,
- ranking,
- rector,
- reed stop,
- register,
- resources,
- rohr flute,
- ruler,
- ruling,
- senior,
- sesquialtera,
- shawm,
- singer,
- sovereign,
- spitz flute,
- star,
- starring,
- stellar,
- stop,
- stopped diapason,
- stopped flute,
- string diapason,
- string stop,
- supereminent,
- superintendent,
- superior,
- superman,
- superstar,
- supervisor,
- supreme,
- the greatest,
- the most,
- tierce,
- top dog,
- topflight,
- topmost,
- tremolo,
- trombone,
- trumpet,
- twelfth,
- unda maris,
- uppermost,
- venture capital,
- vibrato,
- vice-chancellor,
- viola,
- virtuoso,
- voix celeste,
- vox angelica,
- vox humana,
- working capital