Exact Match:
- produce
- fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market
- create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"
- bring forth or yield; "The tree would not produce fruit"
- cause to happen, occur or exist; "This procedure produces a curious effect"; "The new law gave rise to many complaints"; "These chemicals produce a noxious vapor"; "the new President must bring about a change in the health care system"
- bring out for display; "The proud father produced many pictures of his baby"; "The accused brought forth a letter in court that he claims exonerates him"
- bring onto the market or release; "produce a movie"; "bring out a book"; "produce a new play"
- Irish potato,
- Kraut,
- accomplish,
- achieve,
- act,
- adduce,
- advance,
- affect,
- aftermath,
- allege,
- array,
- assemble,
- attain,
- aubergine,
- author,
- avails,
- baked goods,
- be a gas,
- be a hit,
- be productive,
- beans,
- bear,
- bear fruit,
- bearing,
- beget,
- betoken,
- bill,
- bomb,
- box office,
- brandish,
- breathe,
- breed,
- bring about,
- bring forth,
- bring forward,
- bring into being,
- bring into view,
- bring off,
- bring on,
- bring out,
- bring to bear,
- bring to effect,
- bring to fruition,
- bring to light,
- bring to notice,
- bring to pass,
- bring up,
- build,
- bumper crop,
- cabbage,
- canned goods,
- cast,
- cause,
- citrus fruit,
- coin,
- collaborate,
- commissions,
- commit,
- compass,
- compose,
- compound,
- conceit,
- conceive,
- conceptualize,
- concoct,
- construct,
- consummate,
- continue,
- create,
- credit,
- credits,
- crop,
- cultivate,
- dangle,
- dash off,
- deal with,
- deliver,
- demonstrate,
- deploy,
- develop,
- devise,
- discharge,
- disclose,
- dispatch,
- display,
- disposable income,
- dispose of,
- distribute,
- dividend,
- dividends,
- divulge,
- do,
- do the job,
- do the trick,
- do to,
- drag out,
- dramatize,
- draw,
- draw on,
- draw out,
- dream up,
- drupe,
- earned income,
- earnings,
- editorialize,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- eggplant,
- elaborate,
- elongate,
- embody,
- enact,
- engender,
- engineer,
- erect,
- establish,
- evidence,
- evince,
- evoke,
- evolve,
- excrete,
- execute,
- exhibit,
- experience imaginatively,
- expose to view,
- express,
- extend,
- extrude,
- fabricate,
- fail,
- fancy,
- fantasize,
- fashion,
- father,
- feature,
- fetch,
- fictionalize,
- flaunt,
- flop,
- flourish,
- food items,
- form,
- formulate,
- found,
- frame,
- free-lance,
- fructify,
- fruit,
- fruit cocktail,
- fruit compote,
- fruit soup,
- fudge together,
- fulfill,
- furnish,
- gains,
- gate,
- gate receipts,
- generate,
- gestate,
- get,
- get up,
- ghost,
- ghostwrite,
- give birth to,
- give occasion to,
- give origin to,
- give out,
- give rise to,
- give sign,
- give token,
- go and do,
- green goods,
- greens,
- groceries,
- grocery,
- gross,
- gross income,
- gross receipts,
- grow,
- harvest,
- hatch,
- headline,
- highlight,
- ideate,
- illuminate,
- imagine,
- inaugurate,
- incarnate,
- income,
- indicate,
- indite,
- induce,
- industrialize,
- inflict,
- initiate,
- institute,
- intake,
- introduce,
- invent,
- knock off,
- knock out,
- lactate,
- legumes,
- lengthen,
- lengthen out,
- let out,
- love apple,
- mad apple,
- make,
- make a hit,
- make clear,
- make plain,
- make up,
- manage,
- manifest,
- manufacture,
- marshal,
- mass-produce,
- materialize,
- mature,
- mean,
- melodramatize,
- mold,
- mould,
- mount,
- multiply,
- muster up,
- net,
- net income,
- net receipts,
- novelize,
- occasion,
- offer,
- open,
- open a show,
- originate,
- output,
- overproduce,
- packaged goods,
- pamphleteer,
- parade,
- parent,
- patch together,
- pay,
- perform,
- perpetrate,
- piece together,
- pieplant,
- plead,
- polish off,
- potato,
- potherbs,
- prefabricate,
- premiere,
- prepare,
- present,
- preview,
- proceeds,
- procreate,
- product,
- production,
- profits,
- prolong,
- prolongate,
- prompt,
- propagate,
- protract,
- provide,
- pull,
- pull off,
- put away,
- put forth,
- put on,
- put out,
- put together,
- put up,
- raise,
- rally,
- realize,
- rear,
- receipt,
- receipts,
- receivables,
- render,
- represent,
- reproduce,
- returns,
- reveal,
- revenue,
- rhubarb,
- roll out,
- royalties,
- run up,
- scenarize,
- secern,
- second crop,
- secrete,
- secure,
- set afloat,
- set forth,
- set on foot,
- set the stage,
- set up,
- shape,
- show,
- show forth,
- sire,
- spark,
- spawn,
- spin out,
- spotlight,
- spud,
- stage,
- star,
- start,
- stone fruit,
- strain,
- stretch,
- stretch out,
- string out,
- succeed,
- supply,
- suppose,
- take,
- take and do,
- take care of,
- take-in,
- takings,
- tater,
- tauten,
- tear,
- tense,
- theatricalize,
- think up,
- throughput,
- throw on paper,
- tighten,
- tinned goods,
- token,
- tomato,
- trot out,
- truck,
- try out,
- turn out,
- turn the trick,
- unearned income,
- unfold,
- up and do,
- vegetables,
- vintage,
- volume-produce,
- water,
- wave,
- weep,
- white potato,
- whomp up,
- work,
- work out,
- work up,
- wreak,
- write,
- yield