- abounding in riches,
- affluent,
- appropriate,
- assured of success,
- auspicious,
- benign,
- benignant,
- booming,
- comfortable,
- comfortably situated,
- coming,
- convenient,
- crowned with success,
- desirable,
- disgustingly rich,
- easy,
- fair,
- fat,
- favorable,
- favoring,
- felicitous,
- flourishing,
- flush,
- fortunate,
- frightfully rich,
- full of promise,
- golden,
- good,
- halcyon,
- happy,
- in clover,
- in funds,
- in good case,
- in luxury,
- in the money,
- independent,
- independently rich,
- independently wealthy,
- loaded,
- lucky,
- luxurious,
- made,
- made of money,
- moneyed,
- monied,
- of good omen,
- of happy portent,
- of promise,
- on Easy Street,
- on the up-and-up,
- on top,
- on velvet,
- oofy,
- opportune,
- opulent,
- out in front,
- promising,
- propitious,
- prospering,
- provided for,
- rich,
- rich as Croesus,
- rolling in money,
- seasonable,
- snug,
- strong,
- substantial,
- succeeding,
- successful,
- surefire,
- thriving,
- triumphant,
- wallowing in wealth,
- warm,
- wealthy,
- well,
- well provided for,
- well-fixed,
- well-heeled,
- well-off,
- well-timed,
- well-to-do