a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function; "the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants"
the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"
a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include..."
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country"
(biology) the field of science concerned with processes of communication and control (especially the comparison of these processes in biological and artificial systems)
the scientific study of food and drink (especially in humans)
(physiology) the organic process of nourishing or being nourished; the processes by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and maintenance