Exact Match:
- put away
- turn away from and put aside, perhaps temporarily; "it's time for you to put away childish things"
- kill gently, as with an injection; "the cat was very ill and we had to put it to sleep"
- stop using; "the children were told to put away their toys"; "the students put away their notebooks"
- accomplish,
- achieve,
- annihilate,
- assassinate,
- attain,
- bank,
- bereave of life,
- bosom,
- bottle up,
- bump off,
- bundle away,
- bury,
- cache,
- carry away,
- carry off,
- chloroform,
- coffer,
- compass,
- consume,
- consummate,
- cool,
- cut down,
- cut off,
- deal with,
- delay,
- deposit,
- deprive of life,
- destroy,
- devour,
- discharge,
- dismiss,
- dispatch,
- dispose of,
- divorce,
- do,
- do away with,
- do for,
- do in,
- do the job,
- do the trick,
- do to death,
- down,
- dust off,
- eat up,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- embosom,
- enact,
- end,
- entomb,
- execute,
- exterminate,
- fetch,
- file,
- file and forget,
- finish,
- finish off,
- fulfill,
- get away with,
- get down,
- grant a divorce,
- grant an annulment,
- hide away,
- hutch,
- immolate,
- ingest,
- inhume,
- inter,
- keep hidden,
- keep secret,
- kill,
- knock off,
- launch into eternity,
- lay aside,
- lay away,
- lay by,
- lay down,
- lay in,
- lay in store,
- lay low,
- liquidate,
- lock up,
- lodge,
- lynch,
- make,
- make away with,
- manage,
- martyr,
- martyrize,
- obtain a divorce,
- pack away,
- part,
- perform,
- pigeonhole,
- plant,
- poison,
- polish off,
- postpone,
- produce,
- punish,
- purge,
- push aside,
- put aside,
- put asunder,
- put down,
- put in mothballs,
- put to death,
- put to sleep,
- realize,
- remove from life,
- reposit,
- reservoir,
- sacrifice,
- salt away,
- salt down,
- scrag,
- seal up,
- secrete,
- separate,
- sepulcher,
- sepulture,
- set aside,
- set by,
- shelve,
- shift,
- sideline,
- slay,
- split up,
- starve,
- stash,
- store,
- store away,
- stow,
- stow away,
- stow down,
- succeed,
- sue for divorce,
- surround,
- swallow,
- swill,
- table,
- table the motion,
- take care of,
- take down,
- take in,
- take life,
- take off,
- tomb,
- tuck in,
- turn the trick,
- unmarry,
- untie the knot,
- warehouse,
- work,
- work out