(music) playing in a different key from the key intended; moving the pitch of a piece of music upwards or downwards
the act of reversing the order or place of
(electricity) a rearrangement of the relative positions of power lines in order to minimize the effects of mutual capacitance and inductance; "he wrote a textbook on the electrical effects of transposition"
(mathematics) the transfer of a quantity from one side of an equation to the other along with a change of sign
(genetics) a kind of mutation in which a chromosomal segment is transfered to a new position on the same or another chromosome
a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs"
a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
(extended sense) of exceptionally clean language; "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School"
clean and honest; "antiseptic financial practices"
thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms; "doctors in antiseptic green coats"; "the antiseptic effect of alcohol"; "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities"
made free from live bacteria or other microorganisms; "sterilized instruments"
freeing from error or corruption; "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism"
uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something; "the dubiousness of his claim"; "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"
the state of being unsure of something
consider unlikely or have doubts about; "I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage"
lack confidence in or have doubts about; "I doubt these reports"; "I suspect her true motives"; "she distrusts her stepmother"