Exact Match:
- reason
- the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination; "we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil"
- a fact that logically justifies some premise or conclusion; "there is reason to believe he is lying"
- an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon; "the reason a steady state was never reached was that the back pressure built up too slowly"
- a rational motive for a belief or action; "the reason that war was declared"; "the grounds for their declaration"
- think logically; "The children must learn to reason"
- decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion; "We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house"
- Vernunft,
- acceptable,
- accomplishment,
- account,
- admissibility,
- advise with,
- aim,
- air,
- allegorization,
- ambition,
- analyze,
- answer,
- antecedent,
- apologia,
- apology,
- apply reason,
- argument,
- argumentum,
- ascertainment,
- aspiration,
- balance,
- bargain,
- basis,
- because of,
- brain,
- brains,
- by reason of,
- by virtue of,
- calculate,
- call,
- call in,
- calling,
- canvass,
- case,
- cause,
- cerebrate,
- clarification,
- clearing up,
- cogitate,
- collect,
- collogue,
- comment upon,
- common sense,
- compare notes,
- conceive,
- conception,
- conceptualize,
- conclude,
- confer,
- confer with,
- cons,
- consider,
- consideration,
- consult,
- consult with,
- contact with reality,
- controvert,
- convince,
- cool head,
- coolheadedness,
- coolness,
- counsel,
- cracking,
- deal with,
- debate,
- decipherment,
- decoding,
- deduce,
- deduction,
- deductive reasoning,
- defence,
- deliberate,
- deliberate upon,
- demonstration,
- demythologization,
- denouement,
- derive,
- determinant,
- determination,
- discourse,
- discourse about,
- discourse of reason,
- discursive reason,
- discuss,
- discuss with,
- disentanglement,
- dissuade,
- draw a conclusion,
- draw an inference,
- due sense of,
- due to,
- editing,
- elenchus,
- elucidation,
- emendation,
- end,
- end result,
- enlightenment,
- entertain ideas,
- esprit,
- estimate,
- euhemerism,
- examine,
- exchange observations,
- exchange views,
- excuse,
- exegesis,
- exemplification,
- exercise the mind,
- explanation,
- explication,
- exposition,
- expounding,
- extract,
- fetch,
- figure out,
- find,
- finding,
- finding-out,
- fitting,
- form ideas,
- foundation,
- gather,
- generalize,
- glean,
- go into,
- goal,
- good reason,
- good sense,
- gray matter,
- ground,
- grounds,
- guiding light,
- guiding star,
- handle,
- have conversations,
- head,
- headpiece,
- healthy mind,
- hold conference,
- horse sense,
- hypothesize,
- ideal,
- ideate,
- ignoratio elenchi,
- illumination,
- illustration,
- induce,
- induction,
- inductive reasoning,
- infer,
- inference,
- insight,
- inspiration,
- intellect,
- intellection,
- intellectual faculty,
- intellectualize,
- intelligence,
- intention,
- interpretation,
- investigate,
- issue,
- judgement,
- justifiability,
- justifiable,
- justification,
- justness,
- knock around,
- level head,
- levelheadedness,
- light,
- lodestar,
- logic,
- logical thought,
- logicality,
- logicalize,
- logicalness,
- logicize,
- lucid interval,
- lucidity,
- mainspring,
- marbles,
- material basis,
- matter,
- mens,
- mental balance,
- mental capacity,
- mental equilibrium,
- mental health,
- mental hygiene,
- mental poise,
- mentality,
- mind,
- motive,
- negotiate,
- normalcy,
- normality,
- normalness,
- nous,
- object,
- objective,
- occasion,
- on account of,
- outcome,
- owing to,
- palaver,
- parley,
- pass under review,
- percipience,
- perspicacity,
- persuade,
- philosophize,
- philosophy,
- plaidoyer,
- plain sense,
- plausibility,
- plea,
- plead with,
- pleading,
- point,
- power of reason,
- powwow,
- practical mind,
- practical wisdom,
- practicality,
- pretense,
- pretext,
- prevail upon,
- principle,
- proof,
- proper,
- pros,
- pros and cons,
- provide a rationale,
- psyche,
- purpose,
- put heads together,
- rap,
- ratio,
- ratiocination,
- rational,
- rational ground,
- rationale,
- rationalism,
- rationality,
- rationalization,
- rationalize,
- rationalizing,
- reason about,
- reason for,
- reason that,
- reason the point,
- reason why,
- reason with,
- reasonability,
- reasonable,
- reasonableness,
- reasoning,
- reasoning faculty,
- reckon,
- refer to,
- reflect,
- refutation,
- resolution,
- resolving,
- result,
- review,
- riddling,
- right,
- right mind,
- sake,
- sanemindedness,
- saneness,
- sanity,
- score,
- sense,
- senses,
- sensible,
- sensibleness,
- sift,
- simplification,
- sit down together,
- sit down with,
- smarts,
- sober senses,
- sober-mindedness,
- soberness,
- sobriety,
- solution,
- solving,
- sophistry,
- sorting out,
- sound mind,
- sound sense,
- soundness,
- soundness of mind,
- source,
- special pleading,
- specious reasoning,
- speculate,
- spring,
- stated cause,
- study,
- substance,
- sweet reason,
- syllogize,
- take as proved,
- take counsel,
- take up,
- take up with,
- talk,
- talk about,
- talk of,
- talk over,
- talking point,
- the big idea,
- the idea,
- the whatfor,
- the wherefore,
- the why,
- theorize,
- think,
- thresh out,
- treat,
- ulterior motive,
- underlying reason,
- understanding,
- unlocking,
- unraveling,
- unriddling,
- unscrambling,
- unspinning,
- untangling,
- untwisting,
- unweaving,
- upshot,
- urge,
- use reason,
- ventilate,
- vindication,
- vocation,
- warrant,
- wherefore,
- wholesomeness,
- why,
- whyfor,
- wit,
- work out,
- working,
- working-out