Exact Match:
- regiment
- army unit smaller than a division
- assign to a regiment; "regiment soldiers"
- subject to rigid discipline, order, and systematization; "regiment one's children"
- form (military personnel) into a regiment
- KP,
- age group,
- align,
- allocate,
- allot,
- apportion,
- army,
- army group,
- array,
- band,
- battalion,
- battery,
- battle group,
- bevy,
- body,
- brigade,
- bunch,
- cabal,
- cadre,
- cast,
- clique,
- cohort,
- collocate,
- column,
- combat command,
- combat team,
- company,
- complement,
- compose,
- contingent,
- control,
- corps,
- coterie,
- covey,
- crew,
- crowd,
- deal,
- deal out,
- detachment,
- detail,
- discipline,
- dispose,
- distribute,
- division,
- faction,
- field army,
- field train,
- file,
- fix,
- fleet,
- flying column,
- gang,
- garrison,
- group,
- grouping,
- groupment,
- in-group,
- junta,
- keep in line,
- kitchen police,
- legion,
- line,
- line up,
- maniple,
- marshal,
- mob,
- movement,
- order,
- organization,
- organize,
- out-group,
- outfit,
- pack,
- parcel out,
- party,
- peer group,
- phalanx,
- place,
- platoon,
- posse,
- rally,
- range,
- rank,
- regulate,
- salon,
- section,
- set,
- set out,
- space,
- squad,
- squadron,
- stable,
- standardize,
- string,
- systematize,
- tactical unit,
- task force,
- team,
- train,
- tribe,
- troop,
- troupe,
- unit,
- whip into shape,
- wing