Exact Match:
- regressive
- opposing progress; returning to a former less advanced state
- (of taxes) adjusted so that the rate decreases as the amount of income increases
- apostate,
- ascending,
- atavistic,
- axial,
- back,
- back-flowing,
- backsliding,
- backward,
- coming apart,
- cracking,
- crumbling,
- decadent,
- declining,
- degenerate,
- descending,
- deteriorating,
- disintegrating,
- down-trending,
- downward,
- draining,
- drifting,
- drooping,
- dwindling,
- ebbing,
- effete,
- fading,
- failing,
- falling,
- flagging,
- flowing,
- fluent,
- flying,
- fragmenting,
- going,
- going to pieces,
- gyrational,
- gyratory,
- languishing,
- lapsing,
- marcescent,
- mounting,
- passing,
- pining,
- plunging,
- progressive,
- reactionary,
- recessive,
- recidivist,
- recidivous,
- recrudescent,
- reflowing,
- refluent,
- relapsing,
- retroactive,
- retrocessive,
- retrograde,
- retrogressive,
- retrorse,
- retroverse,
- returnable,
- reversible,
- reversional,
- reversionary,
- revertible,
- revulsionary,
- rising,
- rotary,
- rotational,
- rotatory,
- running,
- rushing,
- shriveling,
- sideward,
- sinking,
- sliding,
- slipping,
- slumping,
- soaring,
- streaming,
- subsiding,
- tabetic,
- up-trending,
- upward,
- waning,
- wasting,
- wilting,
- withering,
- worsening