Exact Match:
- rehearsal
- (psychology) a form of practice; repetition of information (silently or aloud) in order to keep it in short-term memory
- a practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert); "he missed too many rehearsals"; "a rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding"
- Gedankenexperiment,
- account,
- accounts,
- apprenticeship,
- audition,
- basic training,
- bench test,
- body count,
- breaking,
- breeding,
- capitulation,
- census,
- conditioning,
- copy,
- count,
- critique,
- cultivation,
- description,
- development,
- direction,
- discipline,
- dress rehearsal,
- drill,
- drilling,
- dry run,
- dwelling upon,
- elaboration,
- enumeration,
- exercise,
- fetching-up,
- flight test,
- fostering,
- going over,
- grooming,
- head count,
- hearing,
- housebreaking,
- improvement,
- in-service training,
- inventory,
- iteration,
- manual training,
- military training,
- mise-en-scene,
- mounting,
- narration,
- narrative,
- nose count,
- nurture,
- nurturing,
- on-the-job training,
- pilot plan,
- practical test,
- practice,
- practicing,
- preparation,
- production,
- raising,
- readying,
- reaffirmation,
- rearing,
- recap,
- recapitulation,
- recital,
- reckoning,
- recount,
- recountal,
- recounting,
- rehash,
- reissue,
- reiteration,
- relation,
- repeat,
- repertory,
- repetition,
- reprint,
- restatement,
- resume,
- retelling,
- review,
- road test,
- run-through,
- shakedown,
- shakedown cruise,
- sloyd,
- stage management,
- staging,
- statement,
- summary,
- summation,
- summing,
- summing up,
- tale-telling,
- telling,
- test flight,
- test run,
- training,
- trial run,
- tryout,
- upbringing,
- vocational education,
- vocational training,
- walk-through,
- workout,
- yarn spinning