Exact Match:
- rein
- one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse
- any means of control; "he took up the reins of government"
- stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins; "He reined in his horses in front of the post office"
- stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins; "They reined in in front of the post office"
- administration,
- arrest,
- arrestation,
- backpedal,
- backwater,
- brake,
- bridle,
- check,
- clip the wings,
- collect,
- command,
- constrain,
- constraint,
- contain,
- control,
- cool,
- cool off,
- cooling,
- cooling down,
- cooling off,
- curb,
- curtail,
- curtailment,
- decelerate,
- deceleration,
- delay,
- detain,
- dompt,
- draw rein,
- ease off,
- ease up,
- enjoin,
- govern,
- guard,
- harness,
- helm,
- hinder,
- hindrance,
- hold,
- hold at bay,
- hold back,
- hold fast,
- hold in,
- hold in check,
- hold in leash,
- hold up,
- impede,
- inhibit,
- inhibition,
- injunction,
- interdict,
- keep,
- keep back,
- keep from,
- keep in,
- keep in check,
- keep under control,
- lay under restraint,
- leadership,
- legal restraint,
- let down,
- let up,
- limit,
- limitation,
- lose ground,
- lose momentum,
- lose speed,
- moderate,
- monopoly,
- obstruct,
- power,
- prohibit,
- prohibition,
- protection,
- protectionism,
- protective tariff,
- pull,
- pull in,
- rationing,
- reef,
- rein in,
- reins,
- relax,
- repress,
- restrain,
- restraint,
- restraint of trade,
- restrict,
- retard,
- retardation,
- retrench,
- retrenchment,
- rule,
- running,
- self-control,
- set back,
- simmer down,
- slack off,
- slack up,
- slacken,
- slow,
- slow down,
- slow up,
- slowing down,
- smother,
- snub,
- stay,
- straiten,
- suppress,
- take in sail,
- tariff wall,
- thought control,
- throttle down,
- tiller,
- withhold