Exact Match:
- roast
- a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
- (meat) cooked by dry heat in an oven
- cook with dry heat, usually in an oven; "roast the turkey"
- Chateaubriand,
- aspic,
- assail,
- attack,
- bake,
- baked,
- banter,
- barbecue,
- baste,
- be in heat,
- blade roast,
- blanch,
- blaze,
- blister,
- bloom,
- boil,
- boiled,
- boiled meat,
- bouilli,
- braise,
- braised,
- breast,
- brew,
- brisket,
- broil,
- broiled,
- brown,
- browned,
- burn,
- casserole,
- castigate,
- chaff,
- choke,
- chuck,
- chuck roast,
- civet,
- clod,
- coddle,
- coddled,
- cold cuts,
- combust,
- cook,
- cooked,
- course,
- cover,
- cross-examine,
- cross-interrogate,
- cross-question,
- culinary masterpiece,
- culinary preparation,
- curried,
- curry,
- deride,
- devil,
- deviled,
- dish,
- do,
- do to perfection,
- entree,
- excoriate,
- extract information,
- filet mignon,
- fire,
- fired,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flank,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flay,
- flesh,
- flicker,
- flush,
- forcemeat,
- fricassee,
- fricasseed,
- fried,
- frizz,
- frizzle,
- fry,
- fustigate,
- game,
- gasp,
- glow,
- go over,
- griddle,
- grill,
- grilled,
- grin at,
- hachis,
- hash,
- haze,
- heat,
- heated,
- hold in derision,
- incandesce,
- inquisition,
- jape,
- jerky,
- jest,
- jive,
- joint,
- joke,
- jolly,
- josh,
- jugged hare,
- kid,
- knuckle,
- lash,
- laugh at,
- laugh to scorn,
- loin,
- main dish,
- make fun of,
- make game of,
- make inquisition,
- make merry with,
- meat,
- melt,
- menue viande,
- mince,
- needle,
- oven-bake,
- oven-baked,
- pan,
- pan-broil,
- pan-broiled,
- pant,
- parboil,
- parboiled,
- parch,
- pemmican,
- pillory,
- plate,
- plate piece,
- poach,
- poached,
- point at,
- poke fun at,
- pot roast,
- prepare,
- prepare food,
- pry out,
- put on,
- put one on,
- rack,
- radiate heat,
- rag,
- rally,
- razz,
- rib,
- rib roast,
- ribs,
- ride,
- ridicule,
- roasted,
- rolled roast,
- round,
- rump,
- rump roast,
- saddle,
- sausage meat,
- saute,
- sauteed,
- scald,
- scallop,
- scalloped,
- scarify,
- scathe,
- scorch,
- score,
- scrapple,
- sear,
- seared,
- seethe,
- shank,
- shimmer with heat,
- shirr,
- shirred,
- short ribs,
- shoulder,
- shoulder clod,
- side dish,
- simmer,
- sirloin,
- skin alive,
- slash,
- smile at,
- smolder,
- smother,
- snicker at,
- snigger at,
- spark,
- steam,
- steamed,
- stew,
- stewed,
- stifle,
- stir-fry,
- suffocate,
- sweat,
- swelter,
- tease,
- tenderloin,
- third-degree,
- toast,
- toasted,
- trounce,
- twit,
- venison,
- viande