a garment similar to a jacket that is used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a means of restraining a violent person
anything immaterial that severely hinders or confines; "they defected because Russian dance was in a straitjacket"; "the government is operating in an economic straitjacket"
a journey or route all the way around a particular place or area; "they took an extended tour of Europe"; "we took a quick circuit of the park"; "a ten-day coach circuit of the island"
make a tour of a certain place; "We toured the Provence this summer"
eellike aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
an acoustic device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"