Exact Match:
- settlement
- something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making; "the finally reached a settlement with the union"; "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"; "he needed to grieve before he could achieve a sense of closure"
- a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
- an area where a group of families live together
- abalienation,
- abatement of differences,
- absolute indication,
- absolute interest,
- accommodation,
- acquitment,
- acquittal,
- acquittance,
- adjustment,
- affirmation,
- agreement,
- alienation,
- ally,
- amortization,
- amortizement,
- anchorage,
- appanage,
- arbitration,
- archduchy,
- archdukedom,
- arrangement,
- ashram,
- assignation,
- assignment,
- bargain,
- bargain and sale,
- barter,
- benefit,
- bequeathal,
- binder,
- body,
- body politic,
- buffer state,
- burden of proof,
- camp,
- captive nation,
- cash,
- cash payment,
- caste,
- cession,
- chieftaincy,
- chieftainry,
- choice,
- city-state,
- claim,
- clan,
- class,
- clearance,
- clearing,
- closing,
- colonization,
- colony,
- common,
- commonweal,
- commonwealth,
- commune,
- community,
- composition,
- composition of differences,
- compromise,
- concession,
- conclusion,
- conclusive evidence,
- conferment,
- conferral,
- confirmation,
- consignation,
- consignment,
- contingent interest,
- conveyance,
- conveyancing,
- cop-out,
- country,
- county,
- damning evidence,
- deal,
- debt service,
- deciding,
- decision,
- deeding,
- defrayal,
- defrayment,
- deliverance,
- delivery,
- demise,
- demonstration,
- deposit,
- desertion of principle,
- determination,
- disbursal,
- discharge,
- disposal,
- disposition,
- doling out,
- domain,
- dominion,
- dot,
- dower,
- down payment,
- dowry,
- duchy,
- dukedom,
- earldom,
- earnest,
- earnest money,
- easement,
- economic class,
- elimination,
- empeoplement,
- empery,
- empire,
- encampment,
- endogamous group,
- endowment,
- enfeoffment,
- equitable interest,
- equity,
- establishment,
- estate,
- evasion of responsibility,
- exchange,
- extended family,
- family,
- fixation,
- foundation,
- free city,
- gens,
- give-and-take,
- giving,
- giving way,
- grand duchy,
- hamlet,
- hire purchase,
- hire purchase plan,
- holding,
- inauguration,
- incontrovertible evidence,
- indisputable evidence,
- inhabitancy,
- inhabitation,
- inhabiting,
- initiation,
- installation,
- installment,
- installment plan,
- interest,
- interest payment,
- investiture,
- investment,
- ironclad proof,
- jointure,
- kingdom,
- kinship group,
- land,
- lease and release,
- legal jointure,
- limitation,
- liquidation,
- lodgment,
- mandant,
- mandate,
- mandated territory,
- mandatee,
- mandatory,
- marriage portion,
- moiety,
- monthly payments,
- mooring,
- mutual concession,
- nation,
- nationality,
- never-never,
- nuclear family,
- occupancy,
- occupation,
- onus,
- onus probandi,
- order,
- outpost,
- part,
- paying,
- paying off,
- paying out,
- paying up,
- payment,
- payment in kind,
- payoff,
- peoplement,
- peopling,
- percentage,
- phratria,
- phratry,
- phyle,
- plantation,
- polis,
- polity,
- population,
- portion,
- possession,
- post,
- power,
- prepayment,
- principality,
- principate,
- proof,
- protectorate,
- province,
- puppet government,
- puppet regime,
- quarterly payments,
- quietus,
- quittance,
- rapprochement,
- realm,
- reconciliation,
- regular payments,
- remittance,
- republic,
- residence,
- resolution,
- retirement,
- right,
- right of entry,
- sale,
- satellite,
- satisfaction,
- sealing,
- selection,
- seneschalty,
- setting,
- settling,
- showdown,
- signature,
- signing,
- sinking-fund payment,
- social class,
- society,
- solemnization,
- sovereign nation,
- spot cash,
- stabilization,
- stake,
- state,
- strict settlement,
- subcaste,
- sultanate,
- superpower,
- sure sign,
- surrender,
- terms,
- territory,
- thirds,
- title,
- toparchia,
- toparchy,
- totem,
- trading,
- transfer,
- transference,
- transmission,
- transmittal,
- trust,
- understanding,
- unmistakable sign,
- use,
- vested interest,
- vesting,
- village,
- weekly payments,
- working-out,
- yielding