Exact Match:
- similar
- marked by correspondence or resemblance; "similar food at similar prices"; "problems similar to mine"; "they wore similar coats"
- (of words) expressing closely related meanings
- agnate,
- akin,
- alike,
- analogical,
- analogous,
- aped,
- approximate,
- approximating,
- approximative,
- be like,
- close,
- collatable,
- commensurable,
- commensurate,
- comparable,
- comparative,
- complementary,
- consimilar,
- consonant,
- copied,
- correlative,
- correspond to,
- corresponding,
- counterfeit,
- equivalent,
- ersatz,
- fake,
- favoring,
- following,
- homogeneous,
- homologous,
- identical,
- imitated,
- imitation,
- like,
- matchable,
- mimicked,
- mock,
- much at one,
- much the same,
- near,
- nearly reproduced,
- nearly the same,
- not unlike,
- parallel,
- phony,
- proximate,
- reciprocal,
- relatable,
- relative,
- resemble,
- resembling,
- simulated,
- smacking of,
- something like,
- suggestive of,
- synthetic,
- uniform,
- uniform with