- anabatic,
- ascendant,
- ascending,
- ascensional,
- ascensive,
- climbing,
- cutthroat,
- exacting,
- excessive,
- exorbitant,
- extortionate,
- extravagant,
- fancy,
- gouging,
- grossly overpriced,
- immoderate,
- in the ascendant,
- inflationary,
- inordinate,
- leaping,
- mounting,
- out of bounds,
- out of sight,
- outrageous,
- overpriced,
- preposterous,
- prohibitive,
- rampant,
- rearing,
- rising,
- saltatory,
- scandent,
- scansorial,
- spiraling,
- springing,
- unconscionable,
- undue,
- unreasonable,
- unwarranted,
- uparching,
- upcoming,
- upgoing,
- upgrade,
- uphill,
- uphillward,
- uprising,
- upsloping,
- upward,
- upwith,
- usurious