Exact Match:
- spear
- a long pointed rod used as a weapon
- an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish
- pierce with a spear; "spear fish"
- thrust up like a spear; "The branch speared up into the air"
- anthrophore,
- assegai,
- auger,
- axis,
- bag,
- bayonet,
- bill,
- bine,
- bite,
- blade,
- bole,
- bore,
- bough,
- bract,
- bracteole,
- bractlet,
- branch,
- branchedness,
- branchiness,
- broach,
- burgeon,
- cane,
- carpophore,
- catch,
- caudex,
- caulicle,
- caulis,
- cotyledon,
- countersink,
- culm,
- dagger,
- deadwood,
- dirk,
- drill,
- empierce,
- enmesh,
- ensnare,
- entangle,
- entrap,
- fix,
- flag,
- flagellum,
- floral leaf,
- foliole,
- footstalk,
- fork,
- foul,
- frond,
- funicule,
- funiculus,
- glume,
- gore,
- gouge,
- gouge out,
- halberd,
- harpoon,
- haulm,
- hole,
- honeycomb,
- hook,
- impale,
- involucre,
- involucrum,
- javelin,
- knife,
- lamina,
- lance,
- land,
- lasso,
- leaf,
- leaflet,
- leafstalk,
- lemma,
- ligule,
- limb,
- mesh,
- nail,
- needle,
- net,
- noose,
- offshoot,
- partisan,
- pedicel,
- peduncle,
- penetrate,
- perforate,
- petal,
- petiole,
- petiolule,
- petiolus,
- pierce,
- pike,
- pile,
- pine needle,
- pink,
- plunge in,
- poniard,
- prick,
- punch,
- puncture,
- ramage,
- ramification,
- ream,
- ream out,
- reed,
- riddle,
- rope,
- run through,
- runner,
- saber,
- sack,
- sarment,
- scion,
- seed leaf,
- seedstalk,
- sepal,
- shoot,
- skewer,
- slip,
- snag,
- snare,
- sniggle,
- spathe,
- spike,
- spire,
- spit,
- spontoon,
- spray,
- sprig,
- sprit,
- sprout,
- stab,
- stalk,
- stem,
- stick,
- stiletto,
- stipe,
- stipula,
- stipule,
- stock,
- stolon,
- straw,
- sucker,
- switch,
- sword,
- take,
- tangle,
- tangle up with,
- tap,
- tendril,
- thallus,
- tigella,
- transfix,
- transpierce,
- trap,
- trepan,
- trephine,
- trunk,
- twig