- A,
- alpha,
- base,
- basis,
- beginning,
- blast-off,
- border line,
- bound,
- boundary,
- boundary condition,
- boundary line,
- bourn,
- break boundary,
- breakoff point,
- ceiling,
- circumscription,
- commencement,
- compass,
- confine,
- creation,
- cutoff,
- cutoff point,
- cutting edge,
- dawn,
- deadline,
- delimitation,
- determinant,
- division line,
- edge,
- end,
- establishment,
- extremity,
- finish,
- floor,
- flying start,
- foundation,
- fresh start,
- frontier,
- hedge,
- high-water mark,
- institution,
- interface,
- jump-off,
- kick-off,
- leading edge,
- limen,
- limit,
- limitation,
- limiting factor,
- line,
- line of demarcation,
- line of departure,
- low-water mark,
- lower limit,
- march,
- mark,
- mete,
- new departure,
- oncoming,
- onset,
- opening,
- origin,
- origination,
- outbreak,
- outset,
- point of departure,
- port of embarkation,
- running start,
- send-off,
- setting in motion,
- setting-up,
- square one,
- start,
- start-off,
- starting gate,
- starting line,
- starting place,
- starting post,
- take-off,
- takeoff,
- target date,
- term,
- terminal date,
- terminus,
- threshold,
- time allotment,
- upper limit