to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open; "The burglar jimmied the lock", "Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail"
make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry; "They pried the information out of him"
characterized by extreme economy of expression or omission of superfluous elements; "the dialogue is elliptic and full of dark hints"; "the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity"- H.O.Taylor
lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"
induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"
possessing material wealth; "her father is extremely rich"; "many fond hopes are pinned on rich uncles"
having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources); "blessed with a land rich in minerals"; "rich in ideas"; "rich with cultural interest"
suggestive of or characterized by great expense; "a rich display"
high in mineral content; having a high proportion of fuel to air; "a rich vein of copper", "a rich gas mixture"
of great worth or quality; "a rich collection of antiques"
containing plenty of fat, or eggs, or sugar; "rich desserts"; "they kept gorging on rich foods"
the pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals regarded as a sport
the work of finding and killing or capturing animals for food or pelts
an instance of searching for something; "the hunt for submarines"
an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport
British writer who defended the romanticism of Keats and Shelley (1784-1859)
United States architect (1827-1895)
Englishman and Pre-Raphaelite painter (1827-1910)
pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals); "Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland"; "The dogs are running deer"; "The Duke hunted in these woods"
search (an area) for prey; "The King used to hunt these forests"
seek, search for; "She hunted for her reading glasses but was unable to locate them"
oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state to an undesirable extent; "The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency"
yaw back and forth about a flight path; "the plane's nose yawed"
chase away, with as with force; "They hunted the unwanted immigrants out of the neighborhood"
conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature; "Is the plan agreeable to you?"; "he's an agreeable fellow"; "My idea of an agreeable a person who agrees with me"- Disraeli; "an agreeable manner"
prepared to agree or consent; "agreeable to the plan"