Exact Match:
- swell
- a crescendo followed by a decrescendo
- the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea
- a rounded elevation (especially one on an ocean floor)
- expand abnormally; "The bellies of the starving children are swelling"
- cause to become swollen; "The water swells the wood"
- increase in size, magnitude, number, or intensity; "The music swelled to a crescendo"
- become filled with pride, arrogance, or anger; "The mother was swelling with importance when she spoke of her son"
- Babylonian,
- Beau Brummel,
- Brahman,
- Corinthian,
- OK,
- accent,
- accent mark,
- accrue,
- accumulate,
- ace-high,
- add to,
- advance,
- aggrandize,
- amplify,
- anthill,
- appreciate,
- archduke,
- aristocrat,
- armiger,
- augment,
- awake the dead,
- awe-inspiring,
- awful,
- bad,
- bag,
- balloon,
- bang-up,
- bar,
- barbaric,
- baron,
- baronet,
- barrow,
- be poised,
- beau,
- belly,
- belly out,
- bilge,
- billow,
- blade,
- blast,
- blast the ear,
- bloat,
- bloatedness,
- bloating,
- blood,
- blow up,
- blowing up,
- blue blood,
- boil,
- bonzer,
- boom,
- boost,
- bore,
- bosom,
- boss,
- bouge,
- boulevardier,
- brae,
- braw,
- break,
- breakers,
- breed,
- broaden,
- broadening,
- bug,
- build,
- build up,
- bulge,
- bulk,
- bulk out,
- bully,
- bump,
- bunion,
- but good,
- butte,
- cancel,
- carbuncle,
- character,
- chic,
- choir,
- chop,
- choppiness,
- chopping sea,
- classy,
- claviature,
- clothes-conscious,
- clotheshorse,
- cock,
- comb,
- comber,
- console,
- cool,
- corking,
- corn,
- cosmopolitan,
- count,
- coxcomb,
- crackerjack,
- crash,
- crescendo,
- custos,
- cyst,
- dab,
- dabster,
- daimio,
- dandy,
- dapper,
- dash,
- dashing,
- deafen,
- delicious,
- deluxe,
- develop,
- diastole,
- dilatation,
- dilate,
- dilation,
- din,
- direct,
- dirty water,
- distend,
- distension,
- dot,
- down,
- dressed to advantage,
- dressed to kill,
- dropsy,
- drumlin,
- ducky,
- dude,
- duke,
- dune,
- eagre,
- earl,
- ebb and flow,
- echo,
- edema,
- eighty-eight,
- elaborate,
- elegant,
- enlarge,
- enlargement,
- esquire,
- expand,
- expansion,
- expression mark,
- exquisite,
- extend,
- extension,
- extravagant,
- fab,
- fancy,
- fashion plate,
- fashionable,
- fatten,
- fell,
- fermata,
- fidget,
- fill out,
- fill the air,
- fine,
- fine and dandy,
- fine gentleman,
- fingerboard,
- first-class,
- first-rate,
- flatulence,
- flatulency,
- flatus,
- flip out,
- flutter,
- foothills,
- fop,
- freak out on,
- fribble,
- fullness,
- furuncle,
- gain,
- gain strength,
- gallant,
- gassiness,
- gear,
- genteel,
- gentleman,
- get ahead,
- get high on,
- glorious,
- glow,
- go pitapat,
- go up,
- goggle,
- grand,
- grand duke,
- grandee,
- grandiose,
- gravity wave,
- great,
- greaten,
- groovy,
- ground swell,
- grow,
- have the fidgets,
- have the shakes,
- hear,
- heave,
- heavy,
- heavy sea,
- heavy swell,
- hidalgo,
- hike,
- hike up,
- hill,
- hillock,
- hold,
- hot,
- huff,
- hummock,
- hunky-dory,
- imposing,
- impressive,
- increase,
- inflate,
- inflation,
- intensify,
- intensity,
- intumescence,
- ivories,
- jack-a-dandy,
- jackanapes,
- jam-up,
- jaunty,
- jerk,
- just dandy,
- keen,
- key signature,
- keyboard,
- keys,
- knob,
- knoll,
- lace-curtain,
- lady-killer,
- laird,
- landgrave,
- lead,
- lift,
- ligature,
- look big,
- lop,
- lord,
- lordling,
- loudishness,
- loudness,
- lounge lizard,
- lump,
- luxurious,
- macaroni,
- magnate,
- magnificent,
- magnifico,
- magnify,
- majestic,
- man-about-town,
- manual,
- margrave,
- mark,
- marquis,
- marvy,
- masher,
- master,
- mean,
- measure,
- meteorism,
- metronomic mark,
- modish,
- molehill,
- monticle,
- monticule,
- moor,
- mound,
- mount,
- multiply,
- mushroom,
- natty,
- neat,
- nifty,
- nob,
- nobby,
- noble,
- nobleman,
- notation,
- okay,
- optimate,
- organ manual,
- out of sight,
- overdevelop,
- overdistend,
- overdraw,
- overexpand,
- overextend,
- overstrain,
- overstretch,
- palatial,
- palpitate,
- palsgrave,
- pant,
- past master,
- patrician,
- pause,
- peachy,
- peachy-keen,
- peacock,
- peak,
- peal,
- pedals,
- peer,
- piano keys,
- pimple,
- plush,
- pock,
- pontificate,
- pooch,
- pop,
- popple,
- posh,
- pouch,
- pout,
- presa,
- princely,
- pro,
- proliferate,
- proud,
- puff,
- puff up,
- puffiness,
- puffing,
- pump,
- pump up,
- puppy,
- pustule,
- put on,
- put on airs,
- put on side,
- quake,
- quaver,
- quiver,
- raise,
- rarefy,
- rattle the windows,
- recherche,
- rend the air,
- rend the ears,
- resound,
- riffle,
- ring,
- ripping,
- ripple,
- rise,
- rise and fall,
- rising,
- ritz it,
- ritzy,
- rock the sky,
- roll,
- roller,
- rough water,
- round out,
- rum,
- run up,
- sand dune,
- scend,
- scrumptious,
- sea,
- sebaceous cyst,
- segno,
- seigneur,
- seignior,
- send,
- shake,
- sharp,
- shiver,
- shoot up,
- sign,
- signature,
- silk-stocking,
- slap-up,
- sleek,
- slur,
- smart,
- smash,
- smashing,
- smug,
- snazzy,
- snowball,
- soigne,
- soignee,
- solid,
- solo,
- something else,
- sonority,
- sonorousness,
- sophisticated,
- spark,
- spectacular,
- spiffing,
- spiffy,
- splendacious,
- splendid,
- splendiferous,
- split the eardrums,
- split the ears,
- sport,
- spread,
- spruce,
- squire,
- squirm,
- startle the echoes,
- stately,
- step up,
- strain,
- strengthen,
- stretch,
- stretching,
- stun,
- stunning,
- style-conscious,
- stylish,
- sufflate,
- sumptuous,
- super,
- superb,
- superfancy,
- superfine,
- surf,
- surge,
- surge of sound,
- swagger,
- swank,
- swanky,
- swell it,
- swell out,
- swell with emotion,
- swellage,
- swelling,
- swollenness,
- symbol,
- tempo mark,
- terrific,
- thoroughbred,
- thrill,
- thrill to,
- thrilling,
- throb,
- thunder,
- tidal bore,
- tidal wave,
- tide wave,
- tie,
- time signature,
- tingle,
- tingle with excitement,
- toss,
- toss and turn,
- tough,
- tremble,
- tricksy,
- trig,
- trim,
- trough,
- tsunami,
- tumble,
- tumefaction,
- tumefy,
- tumescence,
- tumidity,
- tumidness,
- tumor,
- turgescence,
- turgescency,
- turgidity,
- turgidness,
- turn on to,
- twist and turn,
- twitch,
- twitter,
- tympanism,
- tympany,
- undulate,
- undulation,
- up,
- upper-cruster,
- vinculum,
- viscount,
- volume,
- waldgrave,
- water wave,
- wave,
- wavelet,
- wax,
- well-dressed,
- well-groomed,
- wen,
- white horses,
- whitecaps,
- whiz,
- widen,
- wiggle,
- windiness,
- wizard,
- wonderful,
- wriggle,
- writhe