- adhesiveness,
- application,
- assiduity,
- assiduousness,
- balkiness,
- bigotry,
- bottling up,
- bulldog courage,
- bulldog tenacity,
- bullheadedness,
- clabbering,
- clamminess,
- cling,
- clotting,
- coagulation,
- cohesiveness,
- colloidality,
- commitment,
- concentration,
- consistency,
- constancy,
- corking up,
- curdling,
- decidedness,
- decision,
- decisiveness,
- dedication,
- definiteness,
- determinateness,
- determination,
- determinedness,
- devotion,
- diligence,
- dogged perseverance,
- doggedness,
- dogmatism,
- doughiness,
- durability,
- earnestness,
- endurance,
- engrossment,
- fanaticism,
- fidelity,
- firmness,
- fixed mind,
- fortitude,
- gameness,
- gaminess,
- gelatinity,
- gelatinousness,
- gluelikeness,
- gluiness,
- glutinosity,
- glutinousness,
- grit,
- grittiness,
- gumlikeness,
- gumminess,
- hardheadedness,
- hardihood,
- hardiness,
- hardness,
- headstrongness,
- heaviness,
- holding,
- holding in,
- incrassation,
- indefatigability,
- industriousness,
- industry,
- inflexibility,
- inflexible will,
- infrangibility,
- inhibition,
- insistence,
- insistency,
- inspissation,
- intolerance,
- intransigence,
- jellification,
- jellylikeness,
- keeping,
- lastingness,
- leatherlikeness,
- lentor,
- locking in,
- loyalty,
- maintenance,
- mettlesomeness,
- mucilaginousness,
- mulishness,
- nerviness,
- obduracy,
- obstinacy,
- obstinateness,
- opinionatedness,
- overzealousness,
- pastiness,
- patience,
- patience of Job,
- permanence,
- perseverance,
- persistence,
- persistency,
- pertinaciousness,
- pertinacity,
- pigheadedness,
- plodding,
- pluckiness,
- plugging,
- power,
- prehension,
- preoccupation,
- preservation,
- purpose,
- purposefulness,
- relentlessness,
- repression,
- resilience,
- resistance,
- resoluteness,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- resolvedness,
- restiveness,
- retainment,
- retention,
- retentiveness,
- retentivity,
- rigidity,
- ropiness,
- sand,
- sedulity,
- sedulousness,
- self-will,
- seriousness,
- sincerity,
- single-mindedness,
- singleness of purpose,
- slabbiness,
- sliminess,
- slogging,
- snugness,
- spissitude,
- spunkiness,
- stability,
- stamina,
- staunchness,
- staying power,
- steadfastness,
- steadiness,
- stick-to-itiveness,
- stickiness,
- stiff neck,
- stiff-neckedness,
- stiffness,
- stodginess,
- strength,
- stringiness,
- strongheadness,
- stubbornness,
- sulkiness,
- sullenness,
- suppression,
- syrupiness,
- tackiness,
- tenaciousness,
- thickening,
- thickness,
- tightness,
- tirelessness,
- total commitment,
- toughness,
- treacliness,
- unbreakability,
- unbreakableness,
- uncompromisingness,
- uncooperativeness,
- unregenerateness,
- unremittingness,
- unswerving attention,
- viscidity,
- viscosity,
- viscousness,
- vitality,
- will,
- willfulness