Exact Match:
- tension
- the action of stretching something tight; "tension holds the belt in the pulleys"
- (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body; "the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear"
- a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature); "there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time"; "there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history"
- (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"
- the physical condition of being stretched or strained; "it places great tension on the leg muscles"; "he could feel the tenseness of her body"
- Discordia,
- Eris,
- agitation,
- all-overs,
- angst,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxiousness,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- bloat,
- bloating,
- breaking point,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- chill,
- chilliness,
- clash,
- clashing,
- clutch,
- coldness,
- concern,
- concernment,
- conflict,
- contention,
- coolness,
- crisis,
- crunch,
- disaccord,
- disaffinity,
- discomfort,
- discord,
- discordance,
- discordancy,
- disharmony,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- distension,
- distress,
- disturbance,
- dread,
- edginess,
- elongation,
- emergency,
- enmity,
- exigency,
- extension,
- extreme tension,
- fear,
- fidgetiness,
- firmness,
- force,
- foreboding,
- forebodingness,
- friction,
- frost,
- haul,
- heave,
- high pressure,
- iciness,
- imperativeness,
- incompatibility,
- incompatibleness,
- inflation,
- inharmoniousness,
- inharmony,
- inhospitality,
- inimicality,
- inquietude,
- jangle,
- jar,
- jitteriness,
- jumpiness,
- lengthening,
- malaise,
- mental strain,
- mischief,
- misgiving,
- nerves,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- nervousness,
- noncooperation,
- open conflict,
- overanxiety,
- overdistension,
- overdrawing,
- overexertion,
- overexpansion,
- overextension,
- overstrain,
- overstraining,
- overstress,
- overstretching,
- overtaxing,
- personal conflict,
- perturbation,
- pinch,
- pins and needles,
- press,
- pressure,
- production,
- prolongation,
- protraction,
- pucker,
- pull,
- rack,
- renitence,
- renitency,
- rigidity,
- rigidness,
- rigor,
- rub,
- snapping point,
- solicitude,
- starchiness,
- stew,
- stiffness,
- strain,
- strained relations,
- straining,
- stress,
- stress and strain,
- stressfulness,
- stretch,
- stretching,
- stringing out,
- suspense,
- swelling,
- tautness,
- taxing,
- tenseness,
- tensity,
- tightness,
- traction,
- trouble,
- tug,
- unamiability,
- uncordiality,
- unease,
- uneasiness,
- unfriendliness,
- ungeniality,
- unharmoniousness,
- unpleasantness,
- unquietness,
- unsociability,
- upset,
- urgency,
- vexation,
- worry,
- zeal