Exact Match:
- validate
- make valid or confirm the validity of; "validate a ticket"
- prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something
- give evidence for
- declare or make legally valid
- OK,
- accept,
- accredit,
- affirm,
- amen,
- approve,
- assay,
- attest,
- audit,
- authenticate,
- authorize,
- autograph,
- back,
- back up,
- bear out,
- bolster,
- bring to test,
- buttress,
- certificate,
- certify,
- charter,
- check,
- check and doublecheck,
- check out,
- check over,
- circumstantiate,
- collate,
- confirm,
- constitute,
- corroborate,
- cosign,
- countersign,
- cross-check,
- cut and try,
- declare lawful,
- decree,
- document,
- double-check,
- empower,
- enable,
- enact,
- endorse,
- enfranchise,
- entitle,
- essay,
- establish,
- experiment,
- formulate,
- fortify,
- franchise,
- give a try,
- give a tryout,
- give official sanction,
- give permission,
- give power,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the imprimatur,
- give thumbs up,
- have a go,
- initial,
- justify,
- legalize,
- legislate,
- legitimate,
- legitimatize,
- legitimize,
- license,
- make a regulation,
- make legal,
- notarize,
- ordain,
- pass,
- pass on,
- pass upon,
- patent,
- permit,
- play around with,
- practice upon,
- prescribe,
- privilege,
- probate,
- prove,
- put in force,
- put to trial,
- ratify,
- recheck,
- regulate,
- reinforce,
- research,
- road-test,
- rubber stamp,
- rubber-stamp,
- run a sample,
- sample,
- sanction,
- say amen to,
- seal,
- second,
- shake down,
- sign,
- sign and seal,
- strengthen,
- subscribe to,
- substantiate,
- support,
- sustain,
- swear and affirm,
- swear to,
- taste,
- test,
- triple-check,
- try,
- try it on,
- try out,
- undergird,
- undersign,
- underwrite,
- uphold,
- verify,
- visa,
- vise,
- warrant