Exact Match:
- winged
- very fast; as if with wings; "on winged feet"
- having wings or as if having wings of a specified kind; "the winged feet of Mercury";
- agile,
- breakneck,
- dashing,
- double-quick,
- eagle-winged,
- expeditious,
- express,
- fast,
- fleet,
- flying,
- galloping,
- hair-trigger,
- hasty,
- headlong,
- hustling,
- light of heel,
- light-footed,
- lively,
- mercurial,
- nimble,
- nimble-footed,
- precipitate,
- prompt,
- quick,
- quick as lightning,
- quick as thought,
- rapid,
- reckless,
- running,
- snappy,
- spanking,
- speedy,
- swift