Exact Match:
- yard
- an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock)
- a long horizontal spar tapered at the end and used to support and spread a square sail or lateen
- the enclosed land around a house or other building; "it was a small house with almost no yard"
- an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines
- a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings); "they opened a repair yard on the edge of town"
- a tract of land where logs are accumulated
- a unit of length equal to 3 feet; defined as 91.44 centimeters; originally taken to be the average length of a stride
- C,
- C-note,
- G,
- G-note,
- M,
- arena,
- armory,
- arsenal,
- assembly line,
- assembly plant,
- atomic energy plant,
- beleaguer,
- beset,
- besiege,
- bindery,
- blockade,
- boatyard,
- boilery,
- bookbindery,
- bound,
- box in,
- brewery,
- brickyard,
- buck,
- cage,
- cannery,
- cartwheel,
- cent,
- century,
- chamber,
- chiliad,
- chiliagon,
- chiliahedron,
- chiliarch,
- chiliarchia,
- cincture,
- close,
- close in,
- compass,
- confine,
- contain,
- container,
- coop,
- coop in,
- coop up,
- copper,
- cordon,
- cordon off,
- corral,
- court,
- courtyard,
- creamery,
- curtilage,
- dairy,
- defense plant,
- delimited field,
- dime,
- distillery,
- dockyard,
- dollar,
- dollar bill,
- encircle,
- enclave,
- enclose,
- enclosure,
- encompass,
- enshrine,
- factory,
- factory belt,
- factory district,
- feeder plant,
- fence in,
- field,
- fifty cents,
- fin,
- fish,
- five cents,
- five hundred dollars,
- five-dollar bill,
- five-hundred-dollar bill,
- five-spot,
- fiver,
- flour mill,
- fold,
- four bits,
- frogskin,
- grand,
- ground,
- half G,
- half a C,
- half dollar,
- half grand,
- hedge in,
- hem in,
- house in,
- hundred-dollar bill,
- impound,
- imprison,
- incarcerate,
- include,
- industrial park,
- industrial zone,
- iron man,
- jail,
- kennel,
- kilo,
- kilocycle,
- kilogram,
- kilohertz,
- kiloliter,
- kilometer,
- lakh,
- leaguer,
- list,
- main plant,
- manufactory,
- manufacturing plant,
- manufacturing quarter,
- mew,
- mew up,
- mill,
- millennium,
- millepede,
- milligram,
- milliliter,
- mint,
- munitions plant,
- myriad,
- nickel,
- oil refinery,
- one hundred thousand,
- packing house,
- pale,
- paling,
- park,
- pen,
- pen in,
- penny,
- plant,
- pocket,
- pottery,
- power plant,
- production line,
- push-button plant,
- quad,
- quadrangle,
- quarantine,
- quarter,
- rail in,
- red cent,
- refinery,
- sawbuck,
- sawmill,
- shipyard,
- shrine,
- shut in,
- shut up,
- silver dollar,
- skin,
- smacker,
- square,
- stable,
- subassembly plant,
- sugar refinery,
- surround,
- tannery,
- ten cents,
- ten thousand,
- ten-spot,
- tenner,
- theater,
- thou,
- thousand,
- thousand dollars,
- thousand-dollar bill,
- toft,
- twenty-dollar bill,
- twenty-five cents,
- two bits,
- two-dollar bill,
- two-spot,
- wall in,
- winery,
- wrap,
- yard up,
- yards