Exact Match:
- answer
- a nonverbal reaction; "his answer to any problem was to get drunk"; "their answer was to sue me"
- the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims
- a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation; "I waited several days for his answer"; "he wrote replies to several of his critics"
- the speech act of replying to a question
- understand the meaning of; "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"
- give the correct answer or solution to; "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"
- react to a stimulus or command; "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"
- respond to a signal; "answer the door"; "answer the telephone"
- give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument); "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"
- reply or respond to; "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"
- be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of; "This may answer her needs"
- match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
- be liable or accountable; "She must answer for her actions"
- Agnus Dei,
- Benedicite,
- ESP,
- Gloria,
- Gloria Patri,
- Gloria in Excelsis,
- Introit,
- Magnificat,
- Miserere,
- Nunc Dimittis,
- Parthian shot,
- Te Deum,
- Trisagion,
- Vedic hymn,
- accomplishment,
- accord,
- acknowledge,
- acknowledgment,
- action,
- action and reaction,
- ad hoc measure,
- address,
- advance,
- advantage,
- advocate,
- affect,
- affirmation,
- agree,
- allegation,
- allege in support,
- alleluia,
- answer back,
- answer conclusively,
- answer for,
- answer to,
- anthem,
- antiphon,
- antiphonal chanting,
- antiphony,
- apostrophe,
- appertain to,
- apply to,
- approach,
- argue down,
- argue for,
- argument,
- artifice,
- ascertainment,
- assent,
- assert,
- assertion,
- assort with,
- atone for,
- automatic reaction,
- autonomic reaction,
- avail,
- averment,
- be OK,
- be consistent,
- be equal to,
- be handy,
- be of one,
- be of use,
- be right,
- be uniform with,
- bear,
- bear on,
- bear upon,
- befit,
- befitting,
- belong to,
- benefit,
- bestead,
- billet,
- bottom,
- bounceback,
- business letter,
- canticle,
- champion,
- chant,
- check,
- chime,
- chit,
- chorale,
- clear up,
- clearing up,
- coequal,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- come back,
- come back at,
- come in,
- comeback,
- comment,
- commerce,
- communicate with,
- communication,
- communion,
- complement,
- complete answer,
- concern,
- concur,
- conform,
- conform to,
- conform with,
- confound,
- confounding,
- confutation,
- confute,
- congress,
- connect,
- connection,
- consist with,
- contact,
- contend for,
- contradict,
- contradiction,
- contrivance,
- controversion,
- controvert,
- conversation,
- converse,
- cooperate,
- correspond,
- correspond to,
- correspondence,
- counter,
- countercharge,
- countermove,
- counterstatement,
- coup,
- course of action,
- crack,
- cracking,
- crush,
- deal with,
- dealing,
- dealings,
- debug,
- decipher,
- decipherment,
- declaration,
- decode,
- decoding,
- defeat,
- defence,
- defend,
- defense,
- demarche,
- demolish,
- demolition,
- demurrer,
- denial,
- denouement,
- deny,
- determination,
- device,
- dictum,
- discrediting,
- disentangle,
- disentanglement,
- dismiss,
- dispatch,
- dispose of,
- disprove,
- divine,
- do,
- do it,
- do the job,
- do the trick,
- dodge,
- dope,
- dope out,
- dovetail,
- doxology,
- echo,
- effective rejoinder,
- effort,
- end,
- end result,
- epistle,
- espouse,
- establish connection,
- exception,
- exchange,
- exclamation,
- expedient,
- explain,
- explanation,
- expression,
- fall in together,
- fathom,
- favor,
- figure out,
- fill,
- fill the bill,
- find out,
- find the answer,
- find the solution,
- finding,
- finding-out,
- finish,
- fit,
- fit together,
- flash back,
- floor,
- forward,
- fulfill,
- get,
- get by,
- get right,
- get to,
- gimmick,
- give acknowledgment,
- give answer,
- give good returns,
- go around,
- go together,
- go with,
- greeting,
- guarantee,
- guess,
- guess right,
- hack it,
- hallelujah,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- have connection with,
- have it,
- hit,
- hit it,
- hold,
- hold together,
- hosanna,
- hymn,
- hymn of praise,
- hymnody,
- hymnography,
- hymnology,
- improvisation,
- information,
- interaction,
- interchange,
- intercommunication,
- intercommunion,
- intercourse,
- interest,
- interjection,
- interlock,
- interplay,
- interpret,
- interpretation,
- interrogate,
- intersect,
- involve,
- issue,
- jibe,
- jury-rig,
- jury-rigged expedient,
- just do,
- justification,
- last expedient,
- last resort,
- last shift,
- laud,
- letter,
- liaise with,
- line,
- linguistic intercourse,
- link with,
- lock,
- maintain,
- make a plea,
- make advances,
- make contact with,
- make out,
- make overtures,
- make the grade,
- make up to,
- makeshift,
- maneuver,
- mantra,
- match,
- means,
- measure,
- meet,
- meet requirements,
- mention,
- message,
- missive,
- motet,
- move,
- nonplus,
- not come amiss,
- note,
- objection,
- observation,
- offertory,
- offertory sentence,
- open the lock,
- outcome,
- overlap,
- overthrow,
- overthrowal,
- overturn,
- overwhelm,
- paean,
- parallel,
- parry,
- pass,
- pass muster,
- pay,
- pay off,
- pertain to,
- phrase,
- pis aller,
- plea,
- plead for,
- pleading,
- plumb,
- position,
- predictable response,
- profit,
- promote,
- pronouncement,
- psalm,
- psalmody,
- psych,
- psych out,
- put to silence,
- puzzle out,
- qualify,
- question,
- raise,
- ravel,
- ravel out,
- reach,
- react,
- reaction,
- reason,
- rebut,
- rebuttal,
- rebutter,
- reciprocate,
- recognize,
- recriminate,
- reduce to silence,
- reecho,
- refer to,
- reflection,
- reflex,
- reflex action,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- refutal,
- refutation,
- refute,
- regard,
- register,
- register with,
- rejoin,
- rejoinder,
- relate,
- relate to,
- remark,
- replication,
- reply,
- reply to,
- report,
- rescript,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- resolving,
- resort,
- resource,
- respect,
- respond,
- respond to,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsory,
- responsory report,
- result,
- retort,
- retroaction,
- return,
- return answer,
- return for answer,
- reverberate,
- reverberation,
- revulsion,
- riddle,
- riddling,
- riposte,
- rise,
- satisfy,
- say,
- say in defense,
- say in reply,
- saying,
- sentence,
- serve,
- serve the purpose,
- settle,
- shake-up,
- shift,
- shoot back,
- shut up,
- silence,
- sing in chorus,
- smash all opposition,
- snap back,
- social intercourse,
- solution,
- solve,
- solving,
- sort out,
- sort with,
- sorting out,
- speak for,
- speak up for,
- speaking,
- special demurrer,
- special pleading,
- speech,
- speech circuit,
- speech situation,
- sponsor,
- square,
- square with,
- squash,
- squelch,
- stand,
- stand together,
- stand up,
- stand up for,
- statement,
- statement of defense,
- step,
- stick up for,
- stopgap,
- stratagem,
- stretch,
- stroke,
- stroke of policy,
- subjoinder,
- subversion,
- subvert,
- suffice,
- suit,
- suit the occasion,
- support,
- surrebuttal,
- surrebutter,
- surrejoinder,
- sustain,
- tactic,
- take it,
- take the bait,
- talk back,
- talking,
- tally,
- telepathy,
- temporary expedient,
- thought,
- tie in with,
- touch,
- touch upon,
- traffic,
- treat of,
- trick,
- truck,
- trump,
- two-way communication,
- undermine,
- undermining,
- undo,
- unlock,
- unravel,
- unraveling,
- unriddle,
- unriddling,
- unscramble,
- unscrambling,
- unspinning,
- untangle,
- untangling,
- unthinking response,
- untwist,
- untwisting,
- unweave,
- unweaving,
- uphold,
- upset,
- upsetting,
- upshot,
- urge reasons for,
- utterance,
- versicle,
- word,
- work,
- work out,
- working,
- working hypothesis,
- working proposition,
- working-out,
- yield a profit