Exact Match:
- captain
- a dining-room attendant who is in charge of the waiters and the seating of customers
- the pilot in charge of an airship
- the naval officer in command of a military ship
- a policeman in charge of a precinct
- an officer holding a rank below a major but above a lieutenant
- the leader of a group of people; "a captain of industry"
- be the captain of a sports team
- ADC,
- CO,
- G-man,
- MP,
- OD,
- administer,
- administrate,
- admiral,
- aeronaut,
- aeroplaner,
- aeroplanist,
- aide,
- aide-de-camp,
- air pilot,
- airplanist,
- astronaut,
- aviator,
- bailiff,
- barnstormer,
- be master,
- be responsible for,
- beadle,
- beagle,
- birdman,
- boatswain,
- bound bailiff,
- brigadier,
- brigadier general,
- call the signals,
- carry on,
- castellan,
- catchpole,
- chair,
- chatelain,
- chatelaine,
- chicken colonel,
- chief engineer,
- chief mate,
- chief of police,
- chief of staff,
- chief petty officer,
- cloud seeder,
- colonel,
- command,
- commandant,
- commander,
- commander in chief,
- commanding officer,
- commercial pilot,
- commissioned officer,
- commissioner,
- commodore,
- company officer,
- conduct,
- constable,
- control,
- copilot,
- crop-duster,
- deck officer,
- deputy,
- deputy sheriff,
- detective,
- direct,
- director,
- discipline,
- engineer,
- ensign,
- exec,
- executive,
- executive officer,
- fed,
- federal,
- field marshal,
- field officer,
- first lieutenant,
- five-star general,
- fleet admiral,
- flic,
- flier,
- four-star general,
- gendarme,
- general,
- general officer,
- generalissimo,
- govern,
- government man,
- governor,
- handle,
- head,
- head up,
- inspector,
- instructor,
- intendant,
- jemadar,
- jet jockey,
- junior officer,
- lead,
- lead on,
- licensed pilot,
- lictor,
- lieutenant,
- lieutenant colonel,
- lieutenant commander,
- lieutenant general,
- lieutenant junior grade,
- mace-bearer,
- major,
- major general,
- make the rules,
- manage,
- manager,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- marechal,
- marshal,
- master,
- mastermind,
- mate,
- mounted policeman,
- narc,
- naval officer,
- navarch,
- navigating officer,
- navigator,
- officer,
- one-star general,
- order,
- orderly officer,
- patrolman,
- patron,
- peace officer,
- petty officer,
- pilot,
- pipes,
- police captain,
- police commissioner,
- police constable,
- police inspector,
- police matron,
- police officer,
- police sergeant,
- policeman,
- policewoman,
- portreeve,
- prescribe,
- preside over,
- pull the strings,
- quarterback,
- quartermaster,
- rainmaker,
- rear admiral,
- reeve,
- regulate,
- risaldar,
- roundsman,
- ruler,
- run,
- sailing master,
- second mate,
- senior officer,
- sergeant,
- sergeant at arms,
- shavetail,
- sheriff,
- shipmaster,
- sirdar,
- skipper,
- staff officer,
- stand over,
- stunt flier,
- stunt man,
- subahdar,
- subaltern,
- sublieutenant,
- superintendent,
- supervise,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- test pilot,
- the Old Man,
- the brass,
- three-star general,
- tipstaff,
- tipstaves,
- top brass,
- trooper,
- two-star general,
- vice admiral,
- warrant officer,
- watch officer,
- wield authority,
- wingman