Exact Match:
- copulate
- make love; "Birds mate in the Spring"
- accouple,
- accumulate,
- agglutinate,
- amass,
- articulate,
- assemble,
- associate,
- ball,
- band,
- be intimate,
- beget,
- bill and coo,
- bond,
- bracket,
- breed,
- breed true,
- bridge,
- bridge over,
- bunch,
- bunch up,
- cement,
- chain,
- clap together,
- clot,
- cluster,
- cohabit,
- collect,
- combine,
- come together,
- commit adultery,
- comprise,
- concatenate,
- conglobulate,
- congregate,
- conjoin,
- conjugate,
- connect,
- converge,
- couple,
- cover,
- crossbreed,
- crowd,
- dally,
- date,
- diddle,
- embrace,
- encompass,
- engender,
- father,
- flock together,
- flow together,
- forgather,
- fornicate,
- frig,
- fuse,
- gang around,
- gang up,
- gather,
- gather around,
- generate,
- get,
- glue,
- have sex,
- have sexual relations,
- herd together,
- hive,
- horde,
- huddle,
- inbreed,
- include,
- join,
- knot,
- lay,
- lay together,
- league,
- lie with,
- link,
- lollygag,
- lump together,
- make it with,
- make love,
- make out,
- marry,
- marshal,
- mass,
- mate,
- meet,
- merge,
- mill,
- mobilize,
- mother,
- mount,
- multiply,
- muster,
- neck,
- outbreed,
- pair,
- pet,
- piece together,
- procreate,
- proliferate,
- propagate,
- put together,
- rally,
- rally around,
- rendezvous,
- reproduce in kind,
- roll into one,
- screw,
- seethe,
- serve,
- service,
- sire,
- sleep with,
- smooch,
- solder,
- span,
- splice,
- spoon,
- stick together,
- stream,
- surge,
- swarm,
- sweet-talk,
- take in,
- tape,
- throng,
- tie,
- toy,
- trifle,
- unify,
- unite,
- wanton,
- weld,
- whisper sweet nothings,
- yoke