Exact Match:
- corona
- a long cigar with blunt ends
- (anatomy) any structure that resembles a crown in shape
- one or more circles of light seen around a luminous object
- (botany) the trumpet-shaped or cup-shaped outgrowth of the corolla of a daffodil or narcissus flower
- Havana,
- O,
- androecium,
- annular muscle,
- annulus,
- anthelion,
- anther,
- antisun,
- areola,
- aura,
- aureole,
- belvedere,
- box of cigars,
- calyx,
- carpel,
- ceiling fixture,
- chandelier,
- chaplet,
- cheroot,
- chromosphere,
- cigar,
- cigar box,
- cigar case,
- cigar cutter,
- cigarillo,
- circle,
- circlet,
- circuit,
- circumference,
- circus,
- closed circle,
- colorado,
- corolla,
- corolla tube,
- corona lucis,
- coronet,
- countersun,
- crown,
- cycle,
- daystar,
- diadem,
- discus,
- disk,
- electrolier,
- epicalyx,
- eternal return,
- fairy ring,
- garland,
- gasolier,
- glory,
- gynoecium,
- halo,
- humidor,
- lasso,
- logical circle,
- loop,
- looplet,
- lunar corona,
- lunar halo,
- luster,
- magic circle,
- megasporophyll,
- microsporophyll,
- mock moon,
- mock sun,
- moon dog,
- nimbus,
- noose,
- orb of day,
- orbit,
- paraselene,
- parhelic circle,
- parhelion,
- perianth,
- petal,
- photosphere,
- pistil,
- radius,
- rainbow,
- receptacle,
- ring,
- rondelle,
- rope,
- round,
- roundel,
- saucer,
- solar corona,
- solar flare,
- solar halo,
- solar prominence,
- solar wind,
- sphincter,
- stamen,
- stigma,
- stinker,
- stogie,
- style,
- sun,
- sun dog,
- torus,
- trichinopoly,
- vicious circle,
- wheel,
- wreath