Exact Match:
- correspond
- exchange messages; "My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years"
- accommodate,
- accommodate with,
- accord,
- adapt,
- adapt to,
- adjust,
- adjust to,
- affect,
- agree,
- agree with,
- align,
- amount to,
- answer,
- answer to,
- ape,
- appear like,
- appertain to,
- apply to,
- approach,
- approximate,
- assent,
- assimilate to,
- associate,
- assort with,
- balance,
- be consistent,
- be guided by,
- be in cahoots,
- be in contact,
- be like,
- be of one,
- be redolent of,
- be uniform with,
- bear on,
- bear resemblance,
- bear upon,
- belong to,
- bend,
- break even,
- bring to mind,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- check,
- chime,
- chime in with,
- coact,
- coadunate,
- coequal,
- cohere,
- coincide,
- collaborate,
- collimate,
- collineate,
- collude,
- combine,
- come close,
- come near,
- come to,
- come up to,
- communicate,
- communicate with,
- compare with,
- complement,
- comply,
- comply with,
- compose,
- concern,
- concur,
- conform,
- conform with,
- conjoin,
- connect,
- connive,
- consist with,
- consort,
- conspire,
- contact,
- cooperate,
- copy,
- correct,
- correspond to,
- correspond with,
- counterfeit,
- deal with,
- discipline,
- ditto,
- dovetail,
- draw,
- drop a line,
- equal,
- equate,
- equidistance,
- establish connection,
- even,
- even off,
- evoke,
- exchange letters,
- fall in together,
- fall in with,
- favor,
- fit,
- fit together,
- follow,
- gear to,
- gee,
- get to,
- go,
- go by,
- go together,
- go with,
- hang together,
- happen together,
- harmonize,
- have connection with,
- hit,
- hold together,
- imitate,
- interest,
- interlock,
- interrogate,
- intersect,
- involve,
- jibe,
- join,
- keep pace with,
- knot,
- liaise with,
- line up,
- link with,
- lock,
- look like,
- maintain connection,
- make advances,
- make conform,
- make contact with,
- make overtures,
- make up to,
- match,
- match up with,
- measure up to,
- meet,
- mimic,
- mirror,
- mold,
- near,
- nearly reproduce,
- not tell apart,
- observe,
- overlap,
- parallel,
- parallelize,
- partake of,
- pertain to,
- place parallel to,
- question,
- raise,
- reach,
- realign,
- reciprocate,
- reconcile,
- rectify,
- refer to,
- regard,
- register,
- register with,
- relate to,
- remind one of,
- reply to,
- resemble,
- respect,
- respond to,
- rival,
- rub off corners,
- run abreast,
- run to,
- savor of,
- seem like,
- send a note,
- settle,
- shape,
- simulate,
- sing in chorus,
- smack of,
- sort with,
- sound like,
- square,
- square with,
- stack up with,
- stand together,
- straighten,
- suggest,
- suit,
- synchronize,
- synergize,
- take after,
- tally,
- tally with,
- tie,
- tie in with,
- touch,
- touch upon,
- treat of,
- unite,
- use the mails,
- write,
- write to,
- yield