Exact Match:
- criterion
- the ideal in terms of which something can be judged; "they live by the standards of their community"
- Procrustean law,
- acid test,
- adjudgment,
- antetype,
- antitype,
- archetype,
- assay,
- barometer,
- benchmark,
- biotype,
- blank determination,
- brouillon,
- canon,
- check,
- classic example,
- code,
- crucial test,
- crucible,
- degree,
- determination,
- docimasy,
- epitome,
- essay,
- feeling out,
- first draft,
- form,
- formality,
- formula,
- formulary,
- fugleman,
- fugler,
- gauge,
- genotype,
- graduated scale,
- guideline,
- imitatee,
- judgment,
- kiteflying,
- law,
- law of nature,
- lead,
- maxim,
- measure,
- mirror,
- model,
- norm,
- norma,
- ordeal,
- order of nature,
- original,
- paradigm,
- parameter,
- pattern,
- precedent,
- prescribed form,
- prescription,
- principle,
- probation,
- proof,
- prototype,
- quantity,
- reading,
- readout,
- regulation,
- representative,
- rough draft,
- rough sketch,
- rule,
- scale,
- set form,
- sounding out,
- standard,
- standing order,
- test,
- test case,
- touchstone,
- trial,
- try,
- type,
- type species,
- type specimen,
- universal law,
- urtext,
- value,
- verification,
- yardstick