Exact Match:
- dawn
- the earliest period; "the dawn of civilization"; "the morning of the world"
- the first light of day; "we got up before dawn"; "they talked until morning"
- an opening time period; "it was the dawn of the Roman Empire"
- become light; "It started to dawn, and we had to get up"
- appear or develop; "The age of computers had dawned"
- A,
- advent,
- alpha,
- antemeridian,
- appear,
- appearance,
- arise,
- arrival,
- arrive,
- aurora,
- auroral,
- awakening,
- begin,
- beginning,
- birth,
- blast-off,
- break,
- break of day,
- brighten,
- brightening,
- broad day,
- chanticleer,
- cockcrow,
- cocklight,
- come to mind,
- commence,
- commencement,
- crack of dawn,
- creation,
- cutting edge,
- dawning,
- day,
- day glow,
- day-peep,
- daybreak,
- daylight,
- dayshine,
- dayspring,
- daytide,
- daytime,
- develop,
- dusk,
- edge,
- emerge,
- emergence,
- establishment,
- first brightening,
- first light,
- flying start,
- foundation,
- fresh start,
- full sun,
- genesis,
- gleam,
- green flash,
- grow bright,
- grow light,
- inauguration,
- inception,
- institution,
- jump-off,
- kick-off,
- leading edge,
- light,
- light of day,
- lighten,
- matin,
- matinal,
- matutinal,
- midday sun,
- morn,
- morning,
- new departure,
- noonlight,
- noontide light,
- occur to,
- oncoming,
- onset,
- opening,
- origin,
- originate,
- origination,
- outbreak,
- outset,
- outstart,
- peep of day,
- prime,
- ray of sunshine,
- rise,
- running start,
- send-off,
- setting in motion,
- setting-up,
- shine,
- square one,
- start,
- start-off,
- starting point,
- sun spark,
- sunbeam,
- sunbreak,
- sunburst,
- sunlight,
- sunrise,
- sunshine,
- sunup,
- take-off,
- twilight,
- unfold,
- vestibule of Day