Exact Match:
- denomination
- a class of one kind of unit in a system of numbers or measures or weights or money; "he flashed a fistful of bills of large denominations"
- a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith
- Amish,
- Anglicanism,
- Anglo-Catholicism,
- Arianism,
- Athanasianism,
- Boehmenism,
- Calvinism,
- Catholicism,
- Christian Science,
- Confucianism,
- Congregationalism,
- Conservative Judaism,
- Eleusinianism,
- Episcopalianism,
- Erastianism,
- Ethical Culture,
- Gnosticism,
- Hinduism,
- Judaism,
- Lamaism,
- Laudianism,
- Laudism,
- Lingayat Hinduism,
- Magianism,
- Mahayana Buddhism,
- Mandaeism,
- Methodism,
- Mithraism,
- Muhammadanism,
- New Thought,
- Orthodox Christianity,
- Orthodox Judaism,
- Oxford Movement,
- Parsiism,
- Parsism,
- Practical Christianity,
- Puritanism,
- Quakerism,
- Reform Judaism,
- Roman Catholicism,
- Rosicrucianism,
- Sabaeanism,
- Salvation Army,
- Shiite Muslimism,
- Shin Buddhism,
- Shingon Buddhism,
- Shinto,
- Shintoism,
- Sikhism,
- Socinianism,
- Sufism,
- Taoism,
- Tendai Buddhism,
- Theosophy,
- Ubiquitarianism,
- Uniatism,
- Unitarianism,
- Vaishnavite Hinduism,
- Vajrayana Buddhism,
- Vedanta,
- Wahabiism,
- Yoga,
- Yogism,
- Zen,
- Zen Buddhism,
- Zoroastrianism,
- adherents,
- affiliation,
- allocation,
- antinomianism,
- appellation,
- appellative,
- assignment,
- attribution,
- baptism,
- binomen,
- binomial name,
- blood,
- body,
- branch,
- brand,
- breed,
- byword,
- calling,
- cast,
- character,
- characterization,
- christening,
- church,
- clan,
- class,
- classification,
- classifying,
- cognomen,
- color,
- communion,
- community,
- confession,
- connection,
- creed,
- cryptonym,
- cult,
- definition,
- denotation,
- description,
- designation,
- determination,
- differentiation,
- disciples,
- disclosure,
- division,
- empty title,
- epithet,
- eponym,
- euonym,
- expression,
- faction,
- faith,
- feather,
- fellowship,
- fingering,
- fixing,
- followers,
- form,
- genre,
- genus,
- grade,
- grain,
- group,
- gymnosophy,
- handle,
- hint,
- homoiousianism,
- honorific,
- hyponym,
- identification,
- identifying,
- ilk,
- indication,
- indicativeness,
- ism,
- kidney,
- kin,
- kind,
- label,
- latitudinarianism,
- line,
- lot,
- make,
- manifestation,
- manner,
- mark,
- meaning,
- mold,
- moniker,
- name,
- namesake,
- naming,
- nature,
- nicknaming,
- nomen,
- nomen nudum,
- number,
- offshoot,
- order,
- organization,
- party,
- persuasion,
- phylum,
- picking out,
- pinning down,
- pointing,
- pointing out,
- pointing to,
- precision,
- proper name,
- proper noun,
- quietism,
- race,
- religious order,
- schism,
- school,
- scientific name,
- secret name,
- sect,
- sectarism,
- segment,
- selection,
- shape,
- show,
- showing,
- signification,
- size,
- society,
- sort,
- species,
- specification,
- stamp,
- stipulation,
- strain,
- stripe,
- style,
- styling,
- suggestion,
- symptomaticness,
- tag,
- tagging,
- tautonym,
- term,
- terming,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- title,
- tribe,
- trinomen,
- trinomial name,
- type,
- unit,
- value,
- variety,
- version