Exact Match:
- dispense
- grant a dispensation; grant an exemption; "I was dispensed from this terrible task"
- OK,
- abolish,
- abstain from,
- accord,
- administer,
- admit,
- afford,
- allocate,
- allot,
- allow,
- apply,
- apportion,
- assign,
- award,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- bestrew,
- broadcast,
- cancel,
- carry out,
- circumfuse,
- communicate,
- conduct,
- confer,
- consent,
- deal,
- deal out,
- diffract,
- diffuse,
- direct,
- disburse,
- discharge,
- dish out,
- dispense with,
- disperse,
- dispose,
- dispose of,
- dispread,
- disseminate,
- distribute,
- diverge,
- divide,
- divvy,
- do away with,
- do without,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- eliminate,
- enforce,
- eschew,
- execute,
- extend,
- fan out,
- forgo,
- fork out,
- forswear,
- furnish,
- get rid of,
- gift,
- gift with,
- give,
- give away,
- give freely,
- give leave,
- give out,
- give permission,
- give the go-ahead,
- give the word,
- give up,
- grant,
- hand out,
- hawk,
- heap,
- help to,
- huckster,
- ignore,
- impart,
- implement,
- issue,
- lavish,
- leave,
- let,
- let have,
- make possible,
- measure,
- measure out,
- mete,
- mete out,
- offer,
- okay,
- operate,
- overscatter,
- oversow,
- overspread,
- parcel out,
- pass around,
- pass out,
- pay out,
- peddle,
- permit,
- portion out,
- pour,
- present,
- proffer,
- propagate,
- provide,
- publish,
- radiate,
- rain,
- refuse,
- reject,
- release,
- relinquish,
- remove,
- render,
- renounce,
- retail,
- say the word,
- scatter,
- serve,
- share out,
- shell out,
- shower,
- slip,
- snow,
- sow,
- sow broadcast,
- spare,
- splay,
- spoon out,
- spread,
- spread out,
- strew,
- superintend,
- supervise,
- supply,
- tender,
- utter,
- vend,
- vouchsafe,
- waive,
- yield